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Stella's POV:

I lower my gun as I watch Morgan throw him against the wall and put him in handcuffs. We have just arrested the unsub. He was trying to have a male child for his dying wife. I free the women who are stuck in the cells and head upstairs with the team.


On the jet, I pull out a journal, and write about what is on my mind.


Hi. So, I just started a job at the Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, and let me just say, some of these cases are getting to me. They remind me of a time in childhood. The time I was almost killed by a murderer. He is known as the snowman. He killed families of four when they had just come in from playing outside in the winter. He entered the homes from whatever side they weren't on, and waited. Then, when he came in, he killed the parents first. He slit the father's throat, and then grabbed the woman, and stabbed her 30-40 times. By then, the children had tried to run upstairs, or outside. In my case, I ran outside, and my brother ran upstairs. I just remember running as fast as I could, and then hid behind a tree, watching for when he leaves.

About 20 minutes later, he walked out of my home, probably looking for me. When he couldn't find me, he got very angry, and shot random bullets all around. You're probably wondering: why didn't anyone hear? Well, I lived in a very isolated area. People probably just thought someone was hunting. Anyway, a bullet passed me, and was about 2 centimeters away from the side of my head. Then I heard him leave in his truck.

To this day, the snowman has never been caught. I think the fact that he didn't kill me is what made him stop, considering we were the last family murdered. I just remember walking back into my house and seeing my parents stabbed, and my brother shot. It was traumatizing.

Some of these cases remind me of that. The blood. The guns. Personally, I don't know what prompted me to join the BAU. I think I just want to catch people like the Snowman, and possibly the Snowman himself. Anyway, I just needed to get that out. You'll probably hear from me soon.

"What are you writing?" Spencer asks, taking a seat next to me.

"Just getting some feelings out and things that have been bothering me." I answer, turning to meet his eyes.

"Oh. can I read it?" He responds, reaching out for my journal.

I inch it away from him. "It's kind of personal. I don't really like to share the things I write in here. Maybe another day."

He nods understandingly. "I get it. Don't sweat it, Stells."

"Stells?" I say, chuckling.

"What? Morgan isn't the only one with nicknames." He lets out a laugh, and it is one of the first times I have seen him genuinely laugh. It was kind of refreshing.

I smile at him. "Well, we have about an hour or two left, I think I'm going to take a quick nap."

He nods, and pulls out his own book. War and Peace, of course.


I feel the wheels of the plane touch down as I am awaken from my nap. Spencer finished War and Peace, and had dozed off. I lightly shake him awake as we are allowed to get off of the plane.

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