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stella's pov:

i wake up to the blinding fluorescent lights in my hospital room. i take in my surroundings. it's a very plain room. bathroom to the left, door to leave straight ahead, a water cup and jello next to me, white bedsheets. to my left, i see someone i recognize, i can't quite make out their face. he looks tall.

this man reaches for my hand and instantly jerk it away. he has the same build as alan. what if it's him?

"stella it's okay, it's hotch." the man whispers. just then, the image becomes clearer. it is hotch.

"i- i'm sorry." i mutter, and he scoots closer to me, taking my hand, which is oddly comforting.

"stella, do you remember what happened to you?" hotch asks politely.

i hesitate for a second. i do remember. but i don't want to give hotch the details. i would rather give them to emily or JJ.

"i do. but in this case, i would be more comfortable talking to a woman about what happened." i answer in the nicest way possible.

"i understand. i'll go get JJ." hotch says, patting my hand. a few moments later, JJ walks in, giving me a gentle hug.

"stella, i know this will be hard, but i need you to describe to me everything that happened, from the beginning." JJ asks, taking a seat.

i nod in response, and begin. "i was at quantico and i found a note from alan, telling me that he's coming for me. i reported it to hotch and spencer saw it, and said to come over if i was scared. next thing we knew we were all at spencer's. alan had taken him. the. hotch told us to all go home and get some rest. so when i got home, i got a call from an unknown number, and it was alan. he broke into my house, and he, uh, he took me. i tried to fight him off but i couldn't." at this point, tears were streaming down my cheeks.

JJ puts a hand on my knee. "stella, i know this is hard. but in order for us to lock this man up for life, we need your full story."

i nod, and continue. "next thing i knew, i was in a room. i was blindfolded. and when he took it off, i was face to face with spencer. he said that one of us will die within 24 hours, and we had to choose between one of us. we obviously didn't talk about that once alan left the room. we tried to escape, we tried to comfort each other."

i choke back sobs. "then around hour 18, he came back into the room, he asked if we had decided. we obviously hadn't, so he came onto me. he began by rubbing my shoulders, and then his hands pushed my shirt down, exposing my breasts. spencer tried to yell at him to stop. in response, alan kicked spencer's chair out of reach, and forced us to watch. if we didn't, he said he would slit our throats."

"did he try to silence you in any way?" JJ asks.

i nod. "he said if we cried out for help, he would cut us."

"stella, that is absolutely terrible." JJ mutters.

"i'm not done. he bit my shoulders." i pull down my hospital gown to show her, and then continue.

"is that it?" JJ asks, and i nod in response.

"okay. thank you stella. are you up for visitors? you have a few waiting." JJ asks.

i give a weak smile and nod. she opens the door and signals for everyone to come in. morgan walked in, followed by emily and penelope. morgan walks to my side and pulls me into a hug.

"how are you feeling, stella?" garcia asks.

"better than before. i'm definitely going to need some therapy after this though." i respond.

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