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Zeb Arrington 2

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Oh, lord can't I just lay in bed and sleep or just chill without thinking of jobs and future, which only gives me more anxiety?

That reminds me that I still have to look for a job. Fml. I have a business degree with exceptional grades but does that matter? No. I still can't get a job. My landlord is going to toss my ass on the footpath if I won't give him the money by next week.

I plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes. If God has decided that nothing will go good in my life, then I've also decided to focus on my sleep. At least my sleep will be fulfilled, unlike my dreams.

I woke up around 7 p.m., rubbing my eyes I stretched my arms and walked to the kitchen to find something to eat. Aaliyah was already there sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Which only has like 5 channels.

"Hey, sis," I said and moved to hug her but she beat me to it.

She jumped on me, "Bitch you wouldn't guess what happened today!" she practically screamed.

"Calm down, let's sit down first, then tell me what happened." I said as we walked to the coach.

She said excitedly, her brown eyes practically glowing with it. "Zeb I got you an interview! It's on Monday at 8:30. Sharp, because my boss doesn't like tardiness, be there on time."

Sorry, what? An interview?

"Woah! What- H-how did you-? And your boss?" I asked confusedly.

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, dumbo! You know that I am leaving on Monday, so I resigned today, and it was so sudden because the doctor literally just told me this morning." She sighed. "So I talked to my boss that you have all the qualifications for this job and you already have an idea of what to do because we practically live together, so this will save her time. So she said alright and that she'll interview you on Monday." She shrugged, a grin on her face.

My eyes narrowed on their own, "Hold on- on Monday!? Aaliyah, I told you I was coming with you to Florida! And I still am! I don't care about the damn interview. It can screw itself. Aunt Lisa is more important than some interview, which I am sure I won't even clear, so there is no point." I rolled my eyes.

She immediately shakes her head, flipping her brunette hair around, "What no! Are you stupid? You're going to the interview and I know a hundred fucking per cent that you're going to get the job. And as for mother, I'll be there I'll update you every day on her condition." she said trying her best to convince me.

She sighs, her voice turns soft as do her eyes, "Listen, you have a chance now, don't blow it up. Don't self reject. And if you somehow don't get the job then you can fly to Florida. It's a win-win situation, brother." She smiled.

"Aaliyah, I can't let you go alone, there are all types of creeps what if-" I started

She rolled her eyes, she does it a lot around me. "Oh shut up! I can take care of myself" she flipped her hair dramatically.

I chuckled. "Just give it a try," she said seriously, her eyes soft.

Without replying, I hugged her tightly, don't worry sis, aunt will be alright. I know it. I wanted to say so much, every fucking time she paid my rent when she thought I wouldn't know, getting me groceries saying she only bought it because she gotta eat something and my kitchen doesn't have her favourite food, when in reality my kitchen hardly had any food. And now she literally gave her job to me. But I just said, "Thank you, sis."

I made us something to eat for us and then we both watched a mystery-thriller movie, after that we both fell asleep on the couch.


I woke up and looked at the clock in the kitchen at 8 a.m. I gently lifted Aaliyah's head and laid it on the pillow.

Walking towards my small bathroom I did my morning business and after that, I took a shower and put on some clothes.

Running my hand through my still slightly wet hair I walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast. After about 15 minutes Aaliyah woke up.

"Morning, sleepy head" I said with a small smile.

"Morning" she mumbled and walked to the bathroom.

The breakfast was done by the time Aaliyah came back. "Thank god! I left some of my clothes here." she sighed making me chuckle. She has more of her things here than at her own place.

We ate and made some small talks which were mostly her telling me about the job blah blah blah. I mean it's a secretary job how bad can it be?


A/N: My poor oblivious, baby.

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