Chapter 14 ~ "It was nice while it lasted"

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"Where have you been all the time lately man?" Jake asks and I sigh climbing into my car with the phone pressed against my ear. "You've been blowing off parties, disappearing immediately immediately after practices.....I thought that meant Sabrina just had you on a short leash. But then I'm talking to her the other day and she says she's barely seen you either."

"I know, I've just been dealing with some family stuff." And avoiding both you and Sabrina as much as possible.

"No, I don't think that excuse is going to work anymore." He tsks over the other end and I sigh. "Is it another girl?" He asks quietly and I roll my eyes.

"Of course it's not another girl, Sabrina would literally castrate me." I tell him and start my car knowing it was a full on lie.

I was even lying to myself by saying mine and Sasha's feelings were restricted to 'friendship'. I don't even know what we are anymore, I know I have really strong feelings for her. I know they're annoying and I keep telling them to stop, but I can't.

We'd been hanging out some, not often enough for what either of us wanted but our schedules and social lives didn't allow for much. They did however allow for a make out in the service hall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Occasionally in my car or my bedroom.

It was dangerous, like playing with fire. It was so odd, one second we'd be having a completely normal conversation, the next we'd be grabbing onto each other for dear life.

Just a short week and a half ago, we kissed for the first time. I could tell how unsure of herself she was, hell I was terrified too. But now everything was so different, it was intense and wonderful. It felt like taking a drug.

"Well man there's a party tonight, you should come." Jake says as I pull around the block to Sasha's.

"I should be able to make it, I'll just be a bit late." I tell him and with a quick goodbye he's off the phone.

I quietly get out and walk around the back of her house. Then I climb up the lattice in the back yard and onto the roof until I'm crouching outside her bedroom window. I look in seeing her alone on the floor with her foam roller, stretching to cool down.

I tap at the window and she turns to me with a smile. She stands and closes her bedroom door, then starts walking back to the window. I take note of how she looks, she's wearing a skintight tank top and a pair of leggings. Her hair's pulled back into a tight knot, simple earrings. Even when she walks it's like she's floating on air.

"Hey." She whispers pulling the window open and I laugh jumping in after her.

"Hey." I whisper back and she smiles.

"Just a second I really want to stretch out this calf muscle." She says and goes back to the floor rolling her legs out.

"So practice today went well?" I ask and she laughs.

"Not well enough or maybe I'd actually be allowed out to meet you tonight." She says and I sigh. "I'm getting really, really nervous about sectionals next weekend."

"I'm sure you'll do well. You're a gorgeous skater." She smiles at that but sighs.

"I just feel like I'm stuck. I know that when this blows up in his face and I don't place he'll make it my fault. And I don't know what I'll do then, I'll have wasted all this time, money and energy on something that's not going to happen. By the time the next Olympics come around I'll be twenty and they'll be someone younger and more talented than I am."

"There'll never be somebody better than you." I say and she laughs.

"What's with you tonight mister sensitive?" She teases and I laugh scratching the back of my neck.

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