Chapter 8

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"Something's not right here..." I murmured when I saw what was on the other side of the room we just entered. There was a huge white corridor with two doors right at the back.

"Yup. Stay here 'till I deactivate this thing." Leon said as he gave me his weapons.

Do I look like a table?!

When Leon entered the corridor strange lasers started to appear, sweeping the whole corridor. However, Leon dodged them as if he did this every single day of his life, doing this until he reached the mechanism. 

When he finally pressed the button, another wave of lasers came right behind him

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When he finally pressed the button, another wave of lasers came right behind him.

It took him less than a second to notice it as he started running in the opposite direction, towards the door. This time there wasn't a single space to get through, making me wonder how he would get out of there in one piece.

But, of course, we all know the outcome.

He already knew what was going to be his next move. He immediately started running for the door and jumped on it, bouncing off it to run strangely up to the ceiling and... pass easily over the wall of lasers, landing in the classiest way possible.

Scientists hate this man.

When stood up and then turned towards me, probably to tell me the way was clear, he noticed my face.

I was speechless, and...

Of course, he had to laugh.

We ended up going through a weird room with some kind of throne at the back. Curious, I headed towards it, however, the second I blinked Leon was already on the chair, posing like some kind of crappy villain. I couldn't help myself but laugh because of his sudden serious attitude, which made him smile a bit too.

"I don't see what's funny." He stated as he left the chair. He walked towards me slipping his fingers through his hair.

Oh gosh... If he knew.

"Not at all...? Are you sure...?" I joked as I looked away on purpose. He lowered his head and laughed once again, then left to check what was behind the throne.

He waved for me to come next to him.

"Come on. We've got a girl to rescue." He said as we both ended up on some kind of platform.

Noticing that it was too small for both of us, Leon pulled me closer to him, then pressed the button, making us both unable to escape from this ridiculously tiny elevator.

I could smell his breath on my neck which made me a bit uncomfortable, but I didn't tell him about it... Because it would make it even more embarrassing.

"Sorry, maybe I'm stinking." He said as he tried to move back but without success.

I discretely approached my nose to his torso to smell, but...

"Well, I can't talk since the last bath I took must probably have been three days ago." I joked as he scoffed.

"Well, I guess we're in the same boat, then."

I sighed and hoped the elevator would arrive soon.

So I could hide my red face. 

We said nothing more and, when the elevator landed safely, we both left it without saying anything.

I followed him through the huge cave. In the back of the room, two huge doors weren't announcing good news and a merchant was on the right. Leon was already chatting with him, so, waiting for my turn, I innocently looked around... And noticed there was another note.

I've got an eye for these things.

When I unfolded it, my eyes started to burn. It was from Luis.

"I'll report my findings about the Plagas here.

The Plagas have 3 distinct characteristics:

1. As mentioned previously, the Plagas can manipulate the behavioral patterns of their hosts.

2. The Plagas are social organisms. By this, I mean that instead of living individually, they live in perfect social harmony. It is believed that they have collective intelligence.

This type of behavior can be seen among insects such as bees and ants. However, this kind of social behavior is rarely seen among parasitic organisms. Perhaps it was a learned behavior by the Plagas. I'm finding out if this has any relationship with their first characteristic.

3. The Plagas have exceptional adaptation skills. They can live off many kinds of organisms by creating a symbiotic environment quickly. This ability, when combined with their social behaviors, allows them to interact intelligently between hosts regardless of the host organism.

I am ashamed to admit that my pure fascination with the Plagas, in hindsight, has blinded me to the true research objectives of the Los Illuminados.

Even with the knowledge that Saddler was going to abuse the results of these experiments, I could not pull myself away from my research. As a result, I am just as responsible for this whole mess as he is. I see now that I was wrong, but can I stop their evil plans alone...?"

"Previously...?" I think I missed some notes.

I sighed as I remembered what happened lately.

Don't worry Luis, I'll revenge on you, and everyone. 

Quickly wiping my eyes to stop them from tearing more, I headed towards Leon and gave him the note.

"Leon, look at this."

His eyebrows quickly furrowed and his hands tightened around the paper, causing a slight tearing noise as he read. When he had finished reading the note, he gave it back to me.

"Don't worry, we're not going to let this bastard live." He said as he pushed the huge doors.

As I silently followed him I noticed that we had arrived in a huger cave than the previous one and frowned when I also noticed...

"What the hell is this?" I muttered.

It was a strange metallic structure, which was only suspended by a few cables and making it seem not stable at all.

Fearing the worst I reached for the gun Ada gave me earlier and held on to it as we moved on.

Leon ran towards a strange puddle, kneeling over it. When his hand lifted a tiny object that beeped a strange reddish light he frowned.

"Leon? What is this?" I said as I kneeled right next to him. The... thing didn't stop making weird beeping noises, so Leon put it in his pocket and simply replied:

"Ashley's tracer."

A... Tracer?

"I put it on her when I lost her to Saddler. They seem to have dropped it right here, in this puddle..." he replied as he got up. He reloaded his gun and frowned, looking everywhere around us.

He's waiting for something?

"Well, if a huge monster appeared I'd say it's a bait, but I don't see any, and..." I murmured before I heard a loud and inhuman scream, making me also scream because of the surprise.

When I opened my eyes I noticed Leon and the... thing was trapped inside the suspended cage.


The Butler's daughter - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now