Chapter 10.5

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After approximately one hour of traveling on the sea, a chopper came to rescue us.

Surprisingly, they seemed to be already aware of my presence, so they just gave us food and blankets.

As Ashley and I tried our best to sleep, I noticed Leon spent the rest of his time calling his supervisor. Afterward, he'd just be sitting at the edge, glazing thoughtfully at the landscape.

After a while we finally arrived, landing in some strange kind of building, where we all got separated pretty quickly.

They kept me captive for at least three days, asking me questions that would be absolutely anything related to Los Illuminados, and me.

On the third day, a strange woman came.

"Hello, Lucia. I'm Hunnigan, Leon's supervisor." she said as she opened slowly the folder.

I tilted my head.

The one Leon was talking with when we were in the chopper?

"Hello, I guess."

She opened the folder.

"Since we don't have much time, let's be fast. As you know, your state of refugee complicates a bit your release."

I frowned.

What the hell is a refugee?

"You can't get out of here and live in our country without a proper identity."

She then gave me a strange card, on which a photo of me and a somewhat similar name appeared.

It wasn't Lucia, though.

Lucy... Castle?

"You're making me... American?" I questioned as I looked even more at the card.

Oh god, I look like crap.

" Yes, that's an order coming straight from the Oval Office. You can be reassured that you'll be able to live freely from now on."

My eyes widened.


Is that... going to be the case?

"What is your condition?"

She scoffed, trying to cool herself a bit by agitating the folder she had in her hands.

"Well, uh. The condition is that you act as if nothing happened. This also includes your little "connection" with agent Kennedy."

I felt like I just had been stabbed.


I can't say I didn't expect this, but...

I feel like I'm going to cry.

"So, what do you say?"

I sighed as I let myself fall on the back of my chair.

This is going to be hard.

"I accept. But I have two conditions."

She lifted her glasses.

"First, I want a place and enough money to be able to start over."

She lifted her shoulders as if she didn't care.

We never know, after all.

"And the second one?"

I smiled as I showed her the card she gave me.

"I want you to change that terrible photograph." 

The Butler's daughter - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now