Chapter Four

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Here's chapter four!! Clearly. I should really stop stating the whatever. Well, I hope everyone has a great day and everything. Sorry about my boring author's notes, but you know, deleting it accidentally and everything really was hell. I only just stopped swearing about a minute ago. So... Please read/vote/comment!!!

Gracias! love y'all! <3 vb123321

Chapter Four

♥         Astrid       ♥

Time passed. It always did. October was slipping away, and still Josh hadn’t returned. The only good news I heard was about Cloying – they had managed to secure the nuclear devices he had threatened to use. He hadn’t been bluffing after all. However, he was still out there somewhere, with Jay, probably looking for the rest of us. And Pierre was either with him, or somewhere else on the globe…I only hoped Josh could find him.

The team Delta sent after Pierre small compared to the one they had hounding Cloying, but I understood why. Now that the weapons were secured and Cloying was becoming more and more difficult to locate, the chase was slowing somewhat. Even though I had given Alan Young a detailed description of what the purgatorium mali was capable of doing, he didn’t believe that it was imperative enough to track down and destroy.

Now that I had recovered completely, I wanted more than anything to be back in the field. Young told me that he would send me to Josh’s team, except that they were so undercover that I would be unable to join them. It was a comforting excuse, but a lie nonetheless: I knew he thought that I had messed things up enough. So I was stuck at the agency with nothing to do but train and exercise, and that became my life. I vowed that if I ever came across Cloying again – and I intended to – I would come out the victor.

With Josh gallivanting after Cloying and Pierre who-knew-where, I was mostly alone at the agency. Although I knew a few of the other agents, I didn’t seem to be able to connect with them, and so they mostly left me alone and I them. But somehow, even in the taciturn state I was in, I felt a need for someone to talk to, someone that might have a chance of understanding me. And that was when I came to rely on Darcy.

Darcy Jones was a fourteen-year-old Canadian, fresh from a secret service agency in Toronto. I had been surprised Delta had allowed a foreign agent to know about our program, and vice versa, but apparently as we were supposed to be “allied countries,” the risk of disclosure of our secrets was slim. They called it something of further training for both groups, getting to know our allies. I considered all this crap and wondered what the Canadians really wanted from us, but refrained from asking Darcy this, as her temper could be as fiery as her red hair and definitely was on this occasion.

 Darcy was part of this little-known agency in Canada that had a young-agent training process similar to the one I had been through. She had been training since twelve, was obviously very bright, and seemed like a naïve little girl – which helped her immensely.

Small and slim, she had bright blue eyes and a head of bright red hair that matched her sunny personality, not to mention brought out the Canadian in her. She was one of those people who were perpetually happy about absolutely nothing, and that helped me. As an older agent that was nonetheless close to her in age, I was very interesting to her, and she followed me everywhere, watching my training, picking up tips, and chattering away.

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