Chapter Eight

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Okay, here’s Chapter Eight! Do me a huge favor: go back and comment/vote on all the chapters before this, cuz they all got deleted by accident and I just reuploaded them yesterday :P it sucked. So yeah. Happy weekend, y’all, thank the Lord it’s finally Friday. And THANKSGIVING BREAK next week I can’t even discuss my joy right now…lots of writing time, I hope!! :D and sleeping haha. All right, enjoy, and please: fan!! Vote!!! Comment!!

Gracias!!! <3 vb123321

Chapter Eight

♥         Astrid       ♥

Joel directed us to a small but tidy-looking house on the edge of the neighborhood, brightly lit with Christmas lights and candy canes lining the path leading up to the door. He led us eagerly up it, stopping at the door and searching his pockets for a full minute before giving up and ringing the doorbell.

“I think I lost the key,” he told us, looking sheepish. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” I replied automatically, hiding a smile again as I took in the impatience on his face while he shifted from foot to foot. He looked so much like Jay that it was making my chest hurt, my mind still barely accepting what my eyes were seeing. I could only hope I wasn’t coming off too creepy, because I couldn’t help staring.

At the sound of the bell, a loud barking filled the house inside, coming closer as footsteps came near the door. It swung open to reveal a harassed-looking woman with short blonde hair. She grabbed the collar of a massive St. Bernard, holding it back with some effort as she called over her shoulder in a relieved tone, “Dan, Joel’s back.”

“Good!” came a deeper, more irritable voice. “Give him crap from me, will you?”

Joel shuffled his feet, glancing at us awkwardly. “Um, sorry. I sort of forgot to tell you – I was supposed to be back–”

“–at nine, yes,” said the woman, sounding resigned more than anything. “I suppose you forgot again? Courtney, will you please come contain the dog?” she called into the house, and a complaining teenaged girl came into the hall, yanking the dog away from the door and giving us a curious look.

“Sorry, Aunt Angie.” Joel didn’t sound too concerned. “Um, can I introduce you to Astrid and Josh? They were old neighbors of mine from several years ago.”

Aunt Angie shoved her hair out of her face, looking at us closely, and then recognition shone through. “Oh, of course.” She smiled warmly, extending a hand, and it was then that I realized how familiar she looked. “Hello, Josh, Astrid. You may not remember me – I’m Joel’s mother’s sister. Angie McCormick.”

We shook her hand in turn, Josh glancing at me to confirm that he remembered her as well, and then she stepped aside, ushering us into her home. “Please excuse the mess,” she said, closing the door behind us. “Having a four-year-old in the house can be pretty crazy.” As we stood there, reveling in the warmth, she looked towards the stairs, which Joel was trying to sneak up. “Nice try, buster. Head on down to the kitchen, your uncle wants a word with you.”

Joel made a face, opening his mouth to protest as a yell came from further down the hall: “Mom! Joel forgot to feed Bernie again!”

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