Chapter 8

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The sun was shining down onto the lake, the lake was glittering in different shades of green. It's a leisure afternoon. I was reading under the sun when the god of order dropped a chess piece onto the floor. The chess piece rolled over the grass and dropped into my lake. I eyed the god of order through my eyelashes. That's weird. 

The god of order tapped his finger on the chessboard for a few times before catching himself and said, "Can you fetch the piece for me, Lorelei?"

"Once it's in my lake, it's mine," I replied in my coarse voice.

"What do you have in use with a chess piece?" He asked with a small smile as a chess piece the replicate of the one he dropped appeared in his hand. 

"That's none of your business." 

"Maybe this piece is the one I dropped into your lake." He held up the piece in his hand and shook it in my direction. 

"This isn't. You won't." I smiled confidently. That's right, usually he let me have my own way in things like this. 

"That's right, I won't," he said softly. He seemed to be back to normal, but faint lines were still present between his brows. And he looked like he was occupied elsewhere. Just what had happened? 

Could my chance to escape finally arrive? I returned to my book and pretended not to notice his weirdness. 

When I woke up late the next morning, I realized it's really my chance to escape. That sly god did not uphold his promise again, he sealed me in my prison. Again! In just ten years of time!

This time he didn't even create stupid fish with his power to entertain me. 

 I ran towards the door, started to bang on the door and yelled, "Let me out you sly god of order! You broke your promise again! Let me out!"

There's no response from the surface. He hated people calling him sly.

"Let me out! It's you who broke the promise first, don't regret when I break mine!" 

He left in a hurry, as evident that he didn't leave any entertainment for me. This was the golden opportunity for my escape.

Did he think I wouldn't be able to escape? I smiled. I swam over to the corner holding my clothes and jewelries. Beside the fact that I could not find what I wanted to find once the god of order had tried to tidy up my room, there's also a reason why I was so against him in tidying up my room. I hid something amidst my clothes. Luckily, he usually left my clothes alone whenever he tried to tidy my room. 

I dug out a box from the piles of clothes. It just looked like a simple jewelry box even if he really found this. I smiled. I opened the box and pulled out a necklace from the box. I placed it over my neck and swam back to my bed and closed my eyes. Time for the suggestions I planted on weak willed mortals to come into effect. 

From the first time a mortal barged into this place after a pure accident three thousand years ago, I started plotting. I planted a subtle suggestion in his mind. I was pretty sure the god of order could not catch it, his field of power was never in hypnosis. 

The suggestion I planted was for that simple mortal to persuade more mortals to search for this place. To instill them with a strong sense of belief that there's great treasure in the deep Forbidden Woods. What's special for this suggestion was that it could be passed on, from one weak willed greedy mortal to another, from father to son. That's why across the years, there were more and more people trying to explore the woods. And some did succeed in finding this place. 

That type of suggestion drained my already limited power. That's why I needed to hibernate once in a while to conserve my power. Of course, the emotional strain was also part of the reason. 

Who knew a subtle small seed of suggestion could spread so far and wide? Now it's time to put those puppets into action. 

After preparing all the things I needed for escape, I continued the banging and shouting for one whole day. My voice turned even coarser than before. 

When I woke up the next day, I repeated the action. There's still no response. Judging that some of the people might have set out into the woods by now. I sliced open my finger and dropped a few drops of blood onto the pendant of the necklace I hid. 

The blacksmith who made the dagger that killed the god of light was my brother. And my brother left me something. He once made a knife that could break all spells and I liked that knife a lot. He refused to give me that knife, but he made me another thing instead. A pendant that could break all spells. But I wanted that to be a secret weapon, so I asked my sister who was skilled in charms to charm the pendant. The pendant could hide its real power until the owner's blood broke the charm. 

The god of order did think it's a simple charm of fortune when he first captured me. That's why I told him not to be so full of himself. That's going to be his downfall. 

He's always so sure of his power. That's why the ward he set around this place was actually quite weak, as evident that mortals could barge in once in a few hundred years by accident. He was so sure with him here, I could not escape, those mortals were just mortals, they could not threaten him. Who would put a strong ward to ward off a random rabbit or stray cat barging into your home? You just have to shoo them away. 

I wondered if he remembered to reinforce the ward around this place when he left in a sudden. Or if he called in the god of darkness and his priestess for help this time again? But based on the tantrum I threw last time, the chance of him calling in the god of darkness was low. Either he called in another god or he placed a stronger ward around this place.

Now time to find out. I broke the ward sealing the door to my prison, it's without a doubt much stronger than the one he put last time. But it's not a problem with my pendant. I swam to the surface to find an empty seat under the trees with silver leaves. My bet was right. He simply reinforced the spells around this place. 

It's a pity I couldn't use the pendant to break off the spells chaining me to this place and the spell that stop me from shifting into my human form. If I could, I would have escaped years ago. Those spells were ingrained into my body, sealing my soul inside it. I could not break them off with my pendant without injuring my soul. 

But don't worry, my puppets under my control would bring me the things I needed. 

That's why I said I would break off the cruel fate linking our souls together, the god of order. 


Author's note

It's time for Lorelei's grand escape (?). I hope this chapter answers some of your questions? 

See you next time!

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