Chapter 15

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We're being called out one by one. First it's Emily, then it's Alice, finally it's me. A soldier was standing outside the cell to prevent us from communicating. 

I was being brought to a room. Cecil and the beast with golden hair was inside. Loretta was also present, standing next to them on guard. 

When the door behind me closed, Loretta dangled a pendant in front of my face. She asked, "Is this yours?" 

I was still hanging down my head through out all this, acting like the timid girl I was pretending to be. At that moment, a wild smile begun to tug at my lips. I raised my head and tilted it to my side, "It's mine."

Cecil and the beast sitting next to her started to scrutinize me. 

"Cecil, it's been three thousand years. Seems like you're having quite a nice life. Is this your daughter? Or your granddaughter?" I leaned on the door and curled my hair with my finger while saying this. 

"My daughter," Cecil replied curtly. She was still scrutinizing me like a liar. 

"You still don't believe me, Cecil?"

"You're a mortal," the beast with golden hair said. 

"Oh yes, I found myself a new body! It's not much, but at least now my voice is not as coarse as a croak. You know how much I take pride in my own voice, Cecil. Is this your husband?" 

"This is Sean, I met him after... the war." 

"You said you wanted to find someone tall and handsome. Seems like you have found your prince charming." 

"Lorelei..." Cecil whispered. 

My eyes started to get sore, I looked around and said, "You all seem to be living quite well." 

"Cecil..." Sean warned. "We're still not sure..."

"You want me to prove myself, Sean?" I raised my eyebrow. "How would you like me to prove myself?" I asked with a small smile. 

"The beast known as the siren is famous for her voice and her singing that lures people into nightmares."

"You want me to entrap you into a nightmare?" My smile widened. "Have you thought it through? You might not wake up from it." I giggled. "I don't want to kill my friend's husband." 

"You just have to sing a song that only I know," Cecil said firmly as she clasped her hands tightly in front of her body. She looked everywhere but me. 

"Of course." The smile I plastered on my face wavered a second, but I would not allow it to slip from my face. Cecil did not recognize me, no she's just being careful. "Come to think of it, it's been more than three thousand years since I last sang." I chuckled. 

I closed my eyes and tried to unlatch the bolt over the safe I kept the memories of my songs and lullabies in the deepest and darkest part of my brain. After awhile I began humming a lullaby I created when Cecil and I went for a picnic many many years ago. The good old times. When we did not have to care about the gods and mortals invading our place. 

I was stopped by a bear hug from Cecil. "Lorelei, I really really missed you," she sobbed. 

"So now did you all trust me?" The corners of my mouth tipped up. 

Cecil nodded and said, "It's a song we created in a picnic." 

My head was aching, it's been so long since I last sang, the memories I had learnt to stay locked begun to pour out bit by bit. That would not do. I was trying all my might to not think of it, to keep it hidden.

"You really ran away." Sean stated. He glanced at Cecil. Cecil glanced back. They tried to do it subtly, but I caught it. 

Cecil said, "We have had our predictions because it's uncommon for the god of order to throw such a temper." 

"Throw a temper?" I giggled manically. "Him? What a funny description. It's just for show." 


"It's all for show, my dear Cecil." I snaked my arm around her. "Don't talk about him. I'm hungry. And I want to take a look at the place the beasts are living in now." 

After a second, Cecil said, "Of course. Loretta, go and arrange." 

Plates after plates of food were placed on the long table in front of me. I was back to the hall where I first met Cecil and the elders this afternoon. 

I stabbed my fork into the steak in front of me and tore the meat apart with my teeth. Even though it's subtle, I could see Sean giving eye signals to Cecil all throughout the meal. At last he left the room. I wondered what they were planning? 

Cecil cleared her throat and asked, "Lorelei, what are you planning next?" So here it came. 

"What do you think?" As I tore another piece of meat from the steak with my teeth. 

"You... you don't have to rush," Cecil said trying to slow me down. "Are you very hungry?"


Cecil widened her eyes and asked, "Didn't the god... feed you?"

I rolled my eyes. "He is not the stepmother in fairy tales. I'm sure your town was asked to prepare meals every day. Meals that disappeared into thin air. Where do you think the meals disappeared to?" 


"Cecil, I am escaping and then I was thrown into the dungeon. I haven't had a nice meal for a few days. I am also planning to continue my escape after this meal. I need energy." I smiled and then continued to dig into the food in front of me. 

"You're planning to ... continue escape?" Cecil cried. "Won't that be very dangerous?"

"It's called an escape because it's dangerous." I shrugged nonchalantly. 

I had seen the place the remaining beasts was living in. It's a vibrant town. Everyone was smiling happily, living their lives full of energy. Cecil told me there was another town some distance away. Just like this one. How nice, just as I had predicted, the god of order would not mistreat them. 

They had all the happiness, energy and hope that I lacked. I stabbed the potato on my plate with some force. Maybe because I was the criminal and they weren't. But it still hurt. 

When even Cecil treated me like this. When the ally I thought I had turned her back on me. 


Author's note

Fun fact: Cecil named her daughter after her best friend, Lorelei xd 

See you next time!

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