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Elle McBriar
May 1st, 1 year and 158 days since the first zombie report

I woke up the next morning with an empty bed.

I remember falling asleep right after Riley climbed in and pressed his tiny cold feet on my body.

I stretched and cracked my back, pushing my head back into the pillow. I didn't want to get up. I'm tired and there's nothing to do.

But after staying in bed for what felt like ages, I finally decided to voyage off into the kitchen in hunt for some food.

"Welcome. You missed breakfast." Gage said monotonely. I shrugged, "It's okay. I'll probably just make eggs."

I began cracking the egg onto the hot pan as it sizzled and popped.

"Can you make me some?" Megan said as she came into the kitchen, "Babe, you just ate." Megan glared at him and Alex raised his hands in surrender, "Okay my bad."

I cracked two more and sprinkled them with salt and pepper.

I scooped the eggs onto a plate and placed them on the table before helping myself to a cup of fresh, hot coffee.

"Where's Paxton?" I asked, taking a bite. Alex flinched and looked at Gage, "Uh, not sure. Outside maybe?"

I narrowed my eyes, "What's going on? What are you two hiding?"

"Nothing. Gotta go, bye love you Elle!" Gage screamed at me before he kissed my head and ran out of the kitchen.

"He's so fucking weird." Alex mumbled under his breath while pouring a cup of orange juice.

"Hey, thanks for letting Riley sleep with you last night. He came into our room this morning and said that your bed is very comfortable." I chuckled, "He's a bloody sneak that one. He warmed his cold ass feet up on my back."

"You gotta get used to that. The kid hates socks for some reason."

I held back my laughter as Riley came into the room holding Paxton's hand. Since Paxton is so much taller than Riley, his arm is dropping so low, Paxton has to slouch.

"Uncle Paxton helped me outside with the garden." He clapped loudly, walking over to Megan.

He kissed her belly and then hugged her. He may be a little rascal but he's the sweetest thing ever.

"What were you guys working on?" I asked. Riley giggled and looked at Paxton who put a finger over his lips, "Uncle Paxton told me not to tell you."

I rolled my eyes, "Stupid boys with stupid secrets. I hate not knowing things. And I hate surprises."

"We know. Why do you think it's a secret?" Paxton smirked, kissing my cheek. "Yeah yeah, whatever."

I pushed him away and finished eating my eggs. I placed the dish in the sink and gulped down the rest of my coffee as it burned my throat.

"Dear God woman, no wonder you always complain your throat hurts. That coffee was burning!" Megan said with a horrific look on her face. I shrugged, "It's not that bad." She shook her head while mumbling 'crazy'.

* * *

I had spent the afternoon soaking up the small amount of sun we had.

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