yep , that looks really sensitive

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(Disclaimer: I couldn't help myself but to imagine something based on a comment left by galactictcars and i-should-be-honest on 'how you annoy them')

I was just finishing up my work when the sound of Y/N coming into the room "daddddddddd" rang out as they came closer to my desk "dad, daddy , dad , da , pops, father , Jeremiah".

They began to poke me which caused my hand writing to mess up "Y/N Delta Valeska could you please explain to me why you are interrupting your poor father while he works" I winced as they scraped a chair across the floor so they could sit near to me.

"I'm so bored" they complained "there's nothing to do here , and Ecco is about as much fun as watching paint dry" I laughed lightly but carried on with my work.

"You'll warm up to her , it'll just take time" Y/N began slouching in their chair. I snapped my finger at them "Y/N can you not" I asked. Y/N huffed but sat up straight, I hummed and went back to work.

Y/N then started to spin on the chair which created an irritating squeaking sound which echoed around the room "Y/N" I warned gritting my teeth.

They stopped and crossed their arms. The silence lasted about 5 seconds before Y/N scraped the chair again "hey dad , what came first , the chicken or the egg?" I expected it to be some joke that I wasn't in the mood for.

"Neither , evolution came first" Y/N huffed before looking over my desk and pulling a folder out from the pile "hey , be careful this is very sensitive stuff" I snapped.

Y/N laughed before showing me the photo "yep , that looks really sensitive" I snatched the folder back and shut the cover "never speak of that man in my bunker again" I pointed a finger at them.

"Jeez what did uncle Jerome do?" They turned to leave "uncle um Jerome did nothing you should concern about,  go practice your violin" I shouted.

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