Chapter 21 The Question

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Lizzie's point of view:

"Hey." An unpleasant but familiar voice said behind me.

"What do you want?" I asked Dylan as I unlocked my locker.

"You." I turned my head towards him and gave him a disappointing stair. "Come on Lizzie!" He whined. "Take to me baby. I want to be here for you. But to do that you need to let me in."

"I'm not planning on doing that anytime soon." I grunted. "Why don't you move on?"

"I can't. You're stuck in my head." Yeah right! One of his sluts probably stood him up so now he's coming back to me. "Can't you give me another chance? Please Lizzie!"

"If I say yes and I go on a date with you will you leave me alone after that?" I asked knowing he wouldn't be able to leave me alone no matter what. I changed out my books and shut my locker. James had to be sick on this day of school!

"I can't promise you anything. All I know is that my life is empty without you." Dylan is such an ass! "What do you say? I mean let's be honest, if you hang around with James any longer, he's going to hurt you. That's just a fact. And I can't stand by and let you get hurt. If you give me a chance, I'll be able to protect you from any harm." I don't know what was wrong with me, but I felt like giving him one more chance.

"I hate you." I smiled. "I'm free tomorrow at like 7."

"Alright!" He yelled happily. "We can go to Cugenos so look sexy!" He laughed as he skipped away. I don't know why, but I was smiling.

After school, I left and drove home and apparently the news of my date with Dylan got out and over half of the school knew. My phone rang and it was Maya who was calling me. "Hey." I said.

"What the füčk is wrong with you?!?!" She screamed at me.

"What are you taking about?" I confusingly asked her.

"You're gonna go out with Dylan on Tuesday? Is that true or nah?"

"Yeah." I heard her sigh on the other side of the phone and I could tell she was rolling her eyes at me. "It's just for like one hour and it'll be in public so he won't try anything."

"He's a bitch!" She screamed at me.

"People can change." I shoot back.

"Does James know?"

"Why would he need to know?" I asked Maya.

"Because aren't you guys like an unofficial item?" I wondered if other people thought we were like that too?

"Who told you that?" I rudely asked.

"You guys just kind of act like that."

"Whatever." I said. "I'm gong to go on that date and everything will be fine." I assured her.

"If you say so." She huffed on the other end. "I gotta go do mathy crap. Bye!" Maya hung up and I ran over and jumped on top of my bed. As I looked again at my iPhone's screen I noticed that I had seven missed calls from James, so I dialed his number and he answered after the third ring.

"Hello Elizabeth. I just finished puking my guts out so I smell like shït" His voice rang. I couldn't help but laugh at his weird remark.

"Hey. I need to tell you something." I cut right to the chase knowing that it would be easier then beating around the bush.

"What's up?" He asked me curiously.

"Ok so just listen and please just hear me out."

"Oh boy, this can't be good." He chuckled.

"Just please shut up and listen to me!" I giggled and then a serious expression came across my face. "Ok so, tomorrow night, I'm going on a date."

"Oh." James' voice had a hit of jealousy in it with a touch of suspicion. "Who's the lucky guy?" He wearily asked me.

"Ok so now you really need to stay calm after I tell you this part. I'm going to go out on a date with..." I wasn't so sure how he was going to react but I could tell it wasn't going to be good. "Dylan." I quickly blurted out hoping he didn't catch what I said, but sadly he understood me perfectly.

"WHAT!" James screamed at me. "Are you out of your mind?" He started ranting on. "He could screw you! Elizabeth, were you drunk when you told him you'd go out with him?"

"Relax pal. He's not gonna try anything." I assured him.

"Elizabeth, I don't think you know what goes on in that bitches head." He said to me worried to hell.

"Like you do?" I unbelievable remarked.

"I can tell. All he thinks about is sex and you could get hurt. The odds are in his favor!" He cried.

"James, it's just a stupid date."

"If it's so stupid then why are you going on it?" James tried to reason with me.

"Because I can." I hushed back.

"I can't stop you from going but I can kill you in your sleep." I laughed at his lame attempt to make me laugh.. and it worked. Wow I was easy. Maybe that's why I was going out with Dylan.

"I gotta go." I said trying to get out of this unpleasant phone call.

"No you don't." He said shortly after what I said.

"How did you know?"

"Because I can read you like a book!" He chirped back.

"Whatever." I laughed.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry I gotta go puke!" He quickly hung up and I slightly panicked.

Tomorrow was going to be some night.

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