Chapter 39 The honest liar

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Lizzie's POV:

The cold spring air was brushing up against my bare arms, and it gave me shivers from its touch. As I walked downtown to go shopping, I walked past an old antique store that had been around for ages. I'm pretty sure the building was just as old as the items in it, and the sweet older couple that owned it was twice as old. I decided that I'd go into the store and just look around for awhile.

As I opened up the door, a smell of musty books came running towards my nose. I then looked over at the elder lady that was serving someone behind the counter. Her eyes were kind but her skin looked like old parchment. Her hair was neatly pinned up into a high bun, and she didn't have any whips of hair around her loving and compassionate face. She looked kind, and very presentable.

As the man she was once serving left, she came over to me and asked me if I needed any help.

"Oh no," I hurriedly said. "I'm just looking."

"I have some old jewelry in the back room if you'd like to see?" She kindly offered me

"I guess I could take a peek" I followed her back to the room where she said the jewelry was and she pulled out a medium sized trunk.

"It's all real." She told me as I admired a diamond bracelet with golden flowers on it.

"There all so beautiful." I exclaimed. "I don't think I can afford anything though." I said as we both walked out from the back, and into the main room.

"Oh that's all right dear. next time you come back, I'll give you 50% off of anything in this store."

"That's very generous of you!" I happily stated. "Well, then I guess I'll be back soon!"

I said before I left the store. When I walked out I swear I was being stalked. I had a weird feeling that someone was following me, but I was just to scared to look back. So I decided to pick up my pace and slowly start to jog. Then, I heard the footsteps behind me start to get faster and closer to me.

"Elizabeth!" I heard the man behind me say.

"Stay away you creep!" I screamed as I swung my purse at his head.

"Fūćk!" He exclaimed. "What the hell was that for!"

"James!" I cried as I ran over to him. "Oh my god! I didn't know it was you!" I was freaking out! Then I saw a drop of blood drip from his cheek.

"Ouch!" He said as he put his strong hand over his recently injured face.

"Your bleeding." I said once more. "Here, let me help you." My key chain on the outside of my purse must have cut him when I swung it at him. How stupid could I have been. I partially ransacked my purse in order to find a tissue to gather up all of his blood.

"I didn't mean to scare you." He explained to me.

"It's ok. I didn't mean to hurt you." I apologized.

"That was my grandparents store that you were in." He informed me.

"Oh. Well, your grandma is very pleasant." I said as I made small talk.

My hand was gently placed on his cheek and I missed him. I wanted to lean up to him right now and just plant one big kiss on his lips. But I had to be reasonable. He let Annie kiss him! But he did beg me for forgiveness. I did miss him.

"You look nice." He said as he ran his sexy fingers through his even sexier hair.

"Thanks." I blushed but I didn't turn away.

Cars flew past us as we stood at the edge of downtown. I could feel the river move in the wind. The rusty old bridge we were on was sturdy, but I didn't feel safe standing on it for a very long time. Then the bleeding had stopped when James asked me a very uncomfortable question.

"So can we talk?" He eagerly asked me.

"About?" I replied.

"Us." I gulped at the thought of 'us'. I wanted there to be an 'us' but I didn't know if I could trust him again. "I love you Elizabeth, I do. And I know I messed up. But I love you and I've changed. I don't want to live in a world where I can't have you."

"James," I started out as another car whirled past us and made my hair fly. "your a drug to me. Your my own personal brand of marijuana. And I'm addicted to you."

He smiled at the thought of me being as crazy for him as he was for me. "I don't understand why a girl so lovely as you makes it so hard to be loved."

"I'm scared. Not of spiders or snakes or the darkness. I'm scared that one day I'll lose you." I simply answered.

"Take a chance please Elizabeth!" James said as he perched his hands on top of my shoulders.

"I don't know." I sighed.

"I love you." James told me. He then bent his head down to mine so our lips were less then a centimeter apart. "I miss you." He added on as he drew me even closer to him. "I need you." Before I could react, he crashed his lips right against mine but I didn't do anything to stop him. I let him kiss me and I kissed him back!

'I'm in love with a liar!' I kept screaming at myself. He was a perfect, jerk, sexy, cheating, amazing, egotistical, honest, liar.

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