Chapter Thirty-six - A Pregnant Meaghan and Nathan's Crazy Serum

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Chapter Thirty-six

A Pregnant Meaghan and Nathan's Crazy Serum

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know. What can I do?" Meaghan asked back.

"Does he know yet?"

"Nobody knows," she replied.

"Are you sure you're pregnant?"

"Amazingly the one thing the drug stores are still stocked with is pregnancy tests. I've taken six. They all say the same thing. Pregnant."

"Why weren't you using protection?"

"Emma, I honestly never thought I would get pregnant."

"You did. Congratulations you're the first person in four years to get pregnant in Fort Burgh."

"Don't patronize me, Emma."

"I don't know what you want me to say, Meaghan. I can't believe you'd be so irresponsible!"

"Me? Am I the one who dragged you out into the wild to go save my boyfriend? No!"

"I didn't drag you anywhere! I told you to stay here!"

"I wasn't going to let you go out alone! You're my best friend!" she shouted, sobbing again.

I took a few deep breaths. I knew she didn't need to be lectured about anything right away. She needed a friend. I need to put my feelings aside and be there for her.

"You're my best friend, too, Meaghan. I'm just worried about you. I don't want to see you end up...I don't even know."

"I know. I just need you here for me."

"Let me go talk to Nathan. If this serum works, maybe your kid will be the future and not have to endure what we have for the past four years."

"Do you think it could have the kind of life we did when we were little?"

"Not quite the same, but it'll hopefully be zombie free eventually."

"I'd like that," she sniffed.

"Go talk to your parents, tell the boyfriend, and I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged her and headed back for the apartment.

"Nathan?" I called out.

"What?" he asked.

"Do you really think that serum of yours will work?"

"I don't know. I'll find out tomorrow," he replied. "Why?"

"Meaghan is pregnant. I don't want her baby to grow up in this shitastic world. Make that serum work."

"I'm sorry, but who's pregnant?"

"Meaghan. My Meaghan. She's pregnant."

"Pregnant? As in pregnant pregnant?" he asked astounded.

"Is there any other kind of pregnant? And can we stop saying that word. It's starting to sound weird."

"Why did she get pregnant?"

"I don't know, she was bored? She didn't do it on purpose. It was a surprise," I said.

"Well that's some surprise," he mumbled.

"Anyway, Mr. Negative, if that serum works will it be safe for a pregnant woman?"

"I have no idea! I didn't think about pregnant women," he said, furrowing his brows.

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