Chapter 5

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Once I get out of the station, I know they know I'm not a friend. I run around the corner and towards the city streets, I pull a baseball cap over my head and find my way back to Freddy's...

'Shit... they looked up Claire's death? So they know my violent streak started when I was young... I saw the pictures of the reccent scenes with possible reasons why. And I must admit, I'm impressed as they have it spot on... I saw Reginal's mugshot with a question asking 'why'... maybe they haven't quite figured it out... well I hope not... there were other papers but I couldn't see them but I now know the Detective's name. Miles Jordan. I don't know the other guys name but I have his... and he may be my way to Dianne...'

I walk in and see Freddy has not moved. He lifts his tired eyes to me. "Dudddeeee... there are sooo many det-"

"I got his name." He stares at me.

"Are you kidding me. You know how long I've been going throu-" Reginald smacks his head and he rubs it while grumbling something. "How?"

"I took a big risk..." I don't elaborate and both raise eyebrows at me but I don't tell them what I did. "Miles Jordan." I walk over to the computer and look at the screen. He scrolls and stops when I point at the name. "There. That one." He clicks and sure enough, all of this guys personal and job details come up. "Can you print that out for me?"

He nods while pressing print and the old printer slowly spits out a piece of paper. I grab it as soon as it's out. "Let me know if you find anything else." I leave them and go sit at the kitchen table with the light on. "Let's see what you are all about..." I say to my myself.

Miles Jordan, 37.

Career: Joined the force at the age of 20 and quickly rose to Detective status by the age of 23, he has worked some of the toughest cases and cracked them. Currently working on the Dianne Cian case where he has helped the FBI identify the prime suspects as well as motives for all of the murders associated with Dianne Cian.

Personal: Was inspired to join the force after his parents were murdered in a burglary, and the burglars were never apprehended. No living relatives.

It also has his cellphone number and his address in the file. I save him as a contact on my phone and include his address.

But that's about it... not so much to go on but its a start... I walk back to where the two are still standing. "Alright. I'm going to get some sleep. I hope you find something useful by the time I get up."

I get to the single bed and I just flop down on it. And into a deep slumber.

I wake up a few hours later, the sun is just starting to rise. I get up and go to the computer. Freddy is still in the chair but his head is slumped back and his mouth open. Reginald is passed out of the couch. I hit Freddy's chair and he jumps. "You find anything?"

He takes his glasses off and rubs his face... "the closest I got to finding anything, was hacking into the Detective's emails... and let's just say there wasn't much. Except he mentioned a Spencer once in his emails... I don't know if that's a something..."

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now