Chapter 24

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I stand there observing her. Trying to find the first question to ask her in my jumbled mind. She stares at me wide eyed unsure of what to expect. I glance at the fork and see it looks the same but I know it is hot.

"Okay... did you really love me?" I ask her. An easy question right?

She hangs her head. "I don't know." She says barely above a whisper. My mouth falls open. She doesn't know if she loved me? I clench my fists and I look at the fork again. Her eyes look up at me filled with fear.

"What do you mean, you don't know? Either you loved me or you didn't... which is it?!" She gulps and looks down at the floor.

"I swear Jay, I thought I did..." tears fill her eyes and my heart shatters. "That day at your house, I swear I thought I did. Really..." I stare at her. She didn't love me? Meanwhile I loved her with every fiber of my being.

"When did you realize you didn't love me then?" My voice breaks and my heart aches.

"When you grabbed my wrist and hurt me." The memory flashes in my mind, when I let my aggressive and possessive side show for the slightest moment. "I realized, I wanted to love you. I wanted to believe you were the one for me. But after you hurt me... it showed me that I was hoping and praying that I did. But I didn't... I'm sorry Jay... I'm so sorry..." tears stream down her face.

I grab another cigarette and light it. "Why did you lie to me then? Why did you promise me that you were mine?" I hold the cigarette above her arm. Her eyes flick to the burning bud before looking my eyes. No matter the answer, I'm gonna burn her.

"Because I craved the love and affection Jay, I wanted to be yours, to be loved by you... but it all just-" I press the bud against her skin and lift it up to put it on another part of her skin. I do it multiple times and her screams fill the room. I drop the bud when it dies.

"Why Kyle?" Her eyes dart around the room while her breathing remains erratic. I hit a nerve.

She takes a series of deep breaths to calm her breathing. "I don't know... things just went that direction..."

"Bullshit! I know that's a lie!" I grab a tea towel and grab the fork off of the stove plate.

"No. Jay. Please, no!" She thrashes in the chair as I bring the burning hot fork down onto her neck. She lets out a scream that I'm sure would be able to crack the windows.

"Tell me the fucking truth!" I spit out at her as I put the fork back on the plate. "I'll give you a few minutes, I'm going to get something and if you still lie... you're gonna beg me to kill you..." her eyes are already losing the will to fight. But I'm not gonna stop. Not before I get what I want to know out of her.

I leave her sobbing and head outside, the sun is going to set soon. I walk to the shed where her little scooter is, I know inside is something I consider very useful. I don't even have to look for a key or break the door. The lock has been cut off.

I open up the door and squint my eyes, I see what I'm looking for and quickly grab it. I hurry back into the house and find her half asleep.

I give her a good hard slap on her cheek, she screams and her eyes fly open. They quickly look at what is in my hands and I see her eyes bulge. "Yes... so tell the truth and this won't be needed..." I place the battery on the counter. "So tell me. How did things go from stepbrother to husband?"

She looks at me with her eyes begging, but I won't, not until I get what I want from her.

"When the court thing happened... and I was in hospital... for those weeks I was at home... he took care of me... from there my feelings changed from brotherly to... not so brotherly..."

"Speaking about court. Is it true you were once pregnant?" She hangs her head and nods. "Why didn't you tell me? Or even Ava?"

Her head jerks up towards me and I see many emotions cross over her face. "Do you really think that I wanted anyone to know he raped me?!" She shouts at me, my blood boils and my hands instantly go to work on the battery. She must realise her mistake because her voice cracks. "Jay. Please. I'm sorry... I just... I couldn't tell anyone... please... I was ashamed... Jay, no... please!"

I connect the wires and grab the handles of the almost like jump leads. I bring them together and a spark jumps between them. Her eyes are filled with horror, terror and fear. "Noo. Jay. Don't please! Please!"

I ignore her pleas and place the metal probes onto her stomach. Her body twitches at first before it begins to convulse rapidly. Her mouth is open but nothing comes out. The chair shakes as she continues to thrash around. Her eyes begin to roll to the back of her head, only then do I pull the probes away.

She shakes and convulses a bit more before she stops. I watch in delight and every twitch makes me shiver in pleasure.

"Don't talk to me like that! I'm not your dog!" I shout at her before calming myself down. After a few deep breaths, I switch the kettle on to boil again, seeing as I forgot about it. She looks at me not saying anything.

For a while the only sounds that a person can hear is the kettle boiling and her heavy breathing. "Who was your stalker?" I ask breaking the silence. Her eyes go wide like saucers. But she doesn't say anything. "Who was your stalker, Dia... I'm not going to ask again."

She gulps and I can hear it. Something's fishy, why is she so reluctant to answer me? It's a simple question, no?

"Dia..." I warn but she shakes her head.

"I never saw his face! I swear! I never did!" She says loudly with tears running down her face.

"I call bullshit!" The kettle clicks and her eyes snap to the kettle. I walk and grab it, her bottom lip begins to quiver. "How did you never ever see his face?" I walk towards her with it in my hand. "Even when you killed him... nah babe... I call bullshit."

I empty the kettle on her again, her screams fill my ears and its music to my ears.

I grab one of the burner phones I have to text my good Detective. I snap a picture of her, naked, full of blisters and burns and red skin.

I caption it.

Do you want to play a game of truth or dare, Detective?

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now