Chapter 25 Suffocating Protectiveness

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Pierce looked very serious and a little uncomfortable. I couldn't fathom for the life of me what he was about to say.

"What I am about to tell you, I need you to keep between you and me. It's not common knowledge and though it technically wouldn't hurt me if it got out, it could bring pain to my father and I don't want that, okay?"

"Of course," I agreed without hesitation.

Pierce nodded back but didn't begin speaking immediately. His eyes darted around the room then back to me. He shifted in his seat a few times and he coughed into his hand before he finally leaned forward and perched on the edge of his chair, his legs splayed out and his forearms resting on his thighs.

He was tense and his movements lacked the regular fluidity that I always associated with him. It was a rare picture of Pierce Lucciano. I felt touched that he was showing me this glimpse of himself.

He laughed a little awkwardly, his eyes moving away from mine.

"It's funny," he remarked in soft voice. "I didn't expect this to be so tough. I'm not sure where to start."

Hearing his admission of vulnerability and seeing the difficult time he was having moved me. My heart reached out towards him at the same time as my body moved closer. In a second, I sat myself down next to Pierce, and grabbed one of his hands that dangled between his thighs. I clasped his hand, my fingers twining with his, and rested both of them on top of his warm thigh.

"Take your time," I encouraged, while I hoped my tangled hand with his offered the comfort I so wanted to give.

I knew how difficult talking could be. Sharing wasn't all it was cracked up to be. The end result was of course, but not necessarily the process. It could be difficult and scary. Talking about painful things even more so. I knew I would sit here patiently as long as he needed me to.

Pierce looked at our clasped hands then down into my face. His beautiful half-smile tugged at my heart even more than it usually did. He seemed thankful for my support and show of comfort.

As I looked down at our hands, I marveled for a second at how natural my actions had been. I who avoided touch at every cost, had instinctively rushed to hold his hand without a second thought. It was a very un-Jackson-like thing to do. But for Pierce it was the only thing I could do.

"You hate the bodyguards, don't you?"

Astonished at the turn in conversation I looked up at him. I couldn't say I was that surprised by his observation, though. I had been pretty transparent tonight in my discomfort.

"I do, but..."

Pierce held his hand up.

"Sorry, I'm trying to find a starting point so bear with me."

I nodded at him and clamped my mouth shut, giving him a small smile of understanding.

Pierce squeezed my hand in thanks.

"I could tell they make you uncomfortable, and I am really sorry about that. I know it can make me look like a pretentious prick but that's not why I have them. If it were my choice, I wouldn't have them at all. I even tried once not to but that..." Pierce sighed and a deep frown marred his brow.

He shook his head and smiled at me, a tense minimal curve of his lips. He placed his free hand over our clasped ones and lightly patted them. From the distant look in his eyes I didn't know if he was even aware of his movements.

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