Chapter 30 Holding His Hand

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"Jackson?" Pierce prompted.

I exhaled slowly and slowly lifted my head, shifting my features into what I hoped was a neutral expression. I would die if he saw even a hint of the lust that had crashed in on me moments ago. With the guys a few feet away, now was not the time. I didn't think it would be the time even if we were by ourselves.

"I can leave if you would prefer," Pierce added when I stayed silent.

His words penetrated my scrambling mind enough to center me. I looked at him and smiled softly seeing the tension that remained in his shoulders but not missing in the least the concerned expression in his eyes. Concern for me.

As usual, he made my heart smile.

"I would like for you to stay, at least to come in and officially meet my friends," I immediately responded.

I wanted him to come in.

I wanted him to stay.

Yes, I wanted him to meet my friends and I definitely wanted him to clear the air amongst all of them, though just the thought of that had me tensing inside picturing Branson or Mick or Noah not making it easy on him. Quite possibly all three of them. But most of all I just wanted Pierce here with me.

He was becoming more and more a part of my life in a way I could not describe. I just knew it felt right. It felt good.

He felt right.

He felt good.

My solitude no longer seemed as appealing as it once had. How Pierce had changed all of that in so short of a time amazed me. I had not been looking nor had I wanted something more in my life than what I already had. Nothing had been missing.

Nothing until now.

I watched Pierce peer over my head and into my house. I knew he was trying to get a glimpse of what he was walking into but I also knew he couldn't see anything as the living room set off to the right, hiding everyone from his view. A small frown furrowed his brow and I smiled up at him softly, my finger without thought, reached up and smoothed at his warm skin.

My gesture caught him off guard and he quickly looked down at me with a surprised expression before a soft smile of his own shaped his lips. I was about to quickly withdraw my hand but he caught it with one of his, grabbing hold and pulling it down to hold in between us.

I felt my cheeks warm but I didn't try to pull away.

"First," he said, still holding my hand while reaching into his back pocket with his free one. "You dropped this last night in the car. I wanted to return it to you as soon as possible."

I was dumbfounded to find my wallet being held in his large hand. I hadn't even realized I no longer had it with me. I had no idea when or how I could have dropped it last night.

"You know," Pierce commented with a devilish glint in his eyes that had me tensing. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume you dropped it on purpose so I had no choice to bring it back to you. You know... cause you couldn't wait to see me again."

Fire! My face felt like it was on fire. My mouth opened and closed in a wonderfully horrible fish-like impression. I couldn't believe he had said that.

"I didn't..." I started to say but Pierce's chuckle and his squeeze of my hand had me quietening.

"Just teasing," he admitted as he bent down close to my face. "You were looking anxious. Can't have that. Embarrassed, angry, frustrated, exasperated with me... all of those are fine. I just don't want you to be anxious because of me."

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