29 | remember me

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My week of rest and relaxation continues relatively undisturbed. I watch at least three TV series and actually read a few books. Violet and Peyton come over afterschool each day to hang out, but other than that, I have most of the time alone.

I reflect on myself. I think about Grayson, wondering what he's doing at this exact moment. Probably not thinking of me as much as I'm thinking of him. I resist the urge to text or call him, picking up that he's probably not much of a texting person.

Almost every day, I look at the picture Gray sent me on Monday afternoon. It's obviously a timer picture, taken in the living room of their penthouse. Gracie is sitting on Gray's shoulders with her tiny hands on her hips, cheesing really hard for the camera. Gray looks happy too, holding Gracie's legs and flashing a swoony-worthy smile.

But it's their outfits that really gets me. They're both wearing the matching bear onesies that I got for them. Their hoods are flipped up so it looks like they both have nubby little bear ears. The onesies were the dumb gift I bought at the mall after I received Gray's flowers. Nonetheless, it's the cutest fucking photo I've ever seen in my life.

The text that accompanied the picture made it even more special.

If I remember correctly, there are three bears in the story. Little Bear and Big Bear are here...any idea where our Medium Bear is?

I almost faint every time I revisit that text. Damn, I really should have bought myself a onesie.

I never mustered the courage or humor to reply, and every potential response just seemed stupid. So I just left it there. Sitting. Waiting. Fuck, I'm a terrible person.

On Thursday, another box arrives. It's bigger and shaped like a regular box, but with a similar red bow tied neatly around it. I barely contain my excitement as I sign for the package and rush inside. This time, I bring it up to my room to unwrap it, shutting and locking the door even though no one else is home.

Slowly, I unwrap the gift, wondering if Gray's hands have touched the same silk bow that I'm touching. It'd oddly intimate - opening something so carefully prepared by another person. I swear that the box even smells like him, but I know that I'm getting carried away at that point.

It's a very expensive-looking pair of hiking boots. They're a soft grey with deep blue laces and accents. They're beautiful but I don't know why in the world Gray would send me these. Immediately, I search for a note, eager to run my fingers over his distinct handwriting.

I find it, tucked into the tongue of one of the boots. It's the same thick paper, but a faded pink color instead of creme-colored.

5 am Friday. I'll pick you up...but only if you're wearing these.
- Gray.

I have to read the cryptic letter a few times over before I fully grasp its meaning. He wants to pick me up at 5 am in the freaking morning...but only if I wear these hiking boots. I'm definitely no genius but I think he's taking me hiking. Just a theory.

Then I remember the last note and the writing on both sides. I quickly flip the card over and, sure enough, more of Gray's messy handwriting fills the paper.

"In every walk with nature
one receives far more than he seeks."
- John Muir

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