55 | truth or truth

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As the storm moves away from us, Gray and I attempt to put our clothes back on. However, we underestimated how difficult it would be to put on clothes that are soaking wet. I accidentally kick Gray in the face when he tries to help me back into my leggings. After laughing our asses off for a good few minutes, I kiss almost every inch of his face, and we decide that our clothes are a lost cause.

Fortunately, I have three towels in my backseat from when Vi, Pey, and I went to the beach a few months before. Gray wraps one around his hips and bundles me in the other two, still concerned that I'll get sick from the few minutes we spent kissing in the pouring rain.

Then Gray runs through the field to retrieve my box of gifts from where we left it underneath the table. If I wasn't so captivated watching his glistening, half-naked body sprint across the grass, it would have been a pretty hilarious sight to see. When we open the box, we are happy find that the contents were spared from being soaked. I slide the dry hoodie on, but Gray still insists I keep two towels on to keep me warm.

It's a warm feeling when you realize how much someone cares about you, so much so that they're willing to go to extraordinary measures just to ensure your well-being.

Then we drive to Gray's penthouse.

"I'll get the table and stuff another time," Gray says.

I think about his statement as I focus on the road. "Wait, how did you even get here? Isn't your car totalled?"

Gray just shrugs. "Yeah, I'm getting a new one. Tommy is driving me places. Are you sure you're not feeling sick at all?" He turns up the heater in my car to full blast. I start to sweat underneath my three layers.

"I'm fine, Gray," I assure him, turning the heater down. Just to be sure, he presses the back of his hand to my forehead, feeling my temperature. I laugh, swatting his hand away.

"So Tommy forgave you for trying to kill him at the hospital?" I ask, thinking back to the terrifying moment that Gray attacked Tommy, who didn't even try to fight back. That memory was just the icing on top of an already terrible cake.

He rubs his jaw slowly. "Yeah, he did. I was an all-around asshole that night. He didn't deserve me blaming him like that."

I quirk my eyebrow. "He didn't really deserve you punching his face in, either," I say half-jokingly.

"Eh. I think Tommy could've used a bit of facial-rearranging. Kid's too conceited," Gray says playfully. "I did him a favor messing up that face of his. Humbled him a bit."

I laugh, relieved by how the boys both seemed to have moved on from that awful night. It calms me knowing that we're all trying to put the accident behind us. I say, "I don't think your plan worked. Violet's still enamoured by his face, and I think that's all Tommy needs to keep his confidence up."

Gray groans. "I don't even want to think about those two. I swear, they go at it like rabbits. Kinky shit too."

I turn to him with a questioning look on my face. "You're one to talk. 'Beg for it'? Where did that come from," I tease.

That sly look returns to his handsome features. His hand makes its way to the inside of my thigh, resting casually underneath my towel. "Are you saying you didn't enjoy it, Riv? Me taking control?"

I move slightly under his touch, heating up even more under my layers. "I didn't say that."

Gray doesn't answer, just lazily strokes his thumb on the soft skin of my inner thigh. If I wasn't driving, I would have climbed over the center console again to show him just how much I did enjoy it.

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