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Hiroki POV:

He's been distant a bit, he wasn't talking to me anymore. It made me rally sad to be ignored...I hate it. He was even talking to Michiru more than me. I just wanted to cry, its been around two weeks since he last spoke to me. "H-Hey, Shirou?" He just walked away, my fist clenched into tight ball, feeling my nails sink into my skin. Now no one was taking to me

I don't want to be alone...Not again...Not ever....I want friends, i need someone to talk to to, it hurts me..But, the question i just wanted to scream out...Why? Why me? Why did i have to go through this shit?...But i know it cant be answered... 

I sat down on the roof looking at the scenery in front of me. Watching birds go by, the sun shining brightly, but suddenly, i see someone coming towards me. "Is than, Albatross?" I questioned as it almost hit me directly, but i quickly moved and it broke the roof. I was tossed off the roof, landing on the grass, i quickly run inside to see if Gem and Melissa are okay. Luckily, they weren't injured, just a phew scraped from the scraps that fell. I saw Michiru running towards the scene. I ran with her, seeing if anything important was destroyed. The albatross had became human again, he was unconscious, but alright. I placed him on the bed well begging to fix the roof. 

After the roof was all taped up again, i went to check on that albatross. He was awake, confused well looking around. "Oh, your awake" I spoke to him, fury for making me pay around 1000 dollars for the roof. A tick mark appeared on my fore head as i stomped towards him, but i was stopped by Michiru. I clicked my tongue, grabbing my phone out and texting the mayor, asking her if she has any clue were Shirou is. "Why the fuck is he by the lake front?" I questioned myself, throwing my phone in my pocket and staring at the human boy. "I'm terribly sorry!" he bowed at me, i palmed my fore head "Its okay...You didn't mean to" I sat down on the seat, looking at Michiru. "So, Whats your name?" Michiru asked, well he turned around, about to answer. "Oh, you can call me Mr. Pinga, nice to meet you!" He replied politely. "What the hell happened?!" SHirou forcefully opened the door, mad and angry from running all the way here. I avoided is gaze, he noticed and sighed. He walked towards Pinga, grabbing his collar and growling. "Who are you?!" He hissed as Pinga sweat dropped. "Don't worry Shirou, he just accidentally fell in here and broke our roof, everything's fine now." Michiru pointed out, staring at Shirou. Shirou threw Pinga somewhere in the room, scoffing and folding his arms. "Well, me and Mr. Pinga are gonna go out for  phew hours, be back soon, bye!" Michiru took Pinga out of the house, silence filled the room. I got off my seat, about to take my leave, but shirou grabbed my wrist. I turned to him, seeing his blush and him looking down, fringe covering his eyes. 

"I-i...U-Um...Im s-s-sorry...." my eyes widened slightly, looking at his hair. "I-I was...I-ignoring you..because..o-f what you said..." He confessed, I turn and face him, unable to see his beautiful eyes. He let go of my wrist, holding his hands behind his back. I smiled, holding up his chin and pulling him closer. "Its fine" Thats all i said as he blushed deeply, i could just feel him tensing up. We were both blushing, looking at each other. he looked at my lips, seeing how soft they looked. Shirou was heating up, I felt him getting hotter. He backed away, i chuckled slightly when i see him flustered. "C-come on, lets go to head quarters, Mayor wants to speak to us" We made our way to the mayors, with me smiling the whole time, seeing the small blush that still remained on Shirou's cheeks.


No ones POV:

Shirou remembered a talk he had with the mayor just a phew hours ago. "Go, apologise to him, hes probably sad your ignoring him right now"  Shirou shook his head as they arrived in the door. "There you two are" She sat on the couch with Them.  "So, we have found some suspects for the crime scene in the city centre, Apparently, they surveillance cameras saw them at the scene around 3 hours before the attack happened. We were able to track there location, we just need you to question them." 

Hiroki again:

We both nod, Barbara gives us the coordinates and we make our way over there sneakily. "Heres the place" I blocked my nose, not baring the smell. "Oh suck it up." Shirou growls as i tremble well holding my stomach. Shirou kicks the door open and we both smell the stench of blood. "Bleh" I spit in disgust, even Shirou trembling at the smell. We both walk in, seeing blood covered everywhere, the floor, walls, tables and chairs. Shirou covers his mouth, the blood getting stronger. "This smell is making me d-dizzy, i have a headache, plus all t-this blood..." Shirou spoke, Making me worried. "You wanna wait out- "No i-im fine.." He shuts me up. We search the place. But for a very gross place, it looked like they were rich. It was like a mansion, they must've had a'lot of money with them. 'We should have come prepared, but Shirou loves rushing' I think to myself. I heard a bang come near me, i turn around to see Shirou on the ground, sweating and gasping for fresh air. I run to him, covering his mouth with my sleeve. I wrap my scarf around him, he was able to breath in some of your air. I saw him calming, sweat dripping on the ground. I pick him up bridal style "We know where were going, we'll come back tomorrow, alright?" He immediately gives in, nodding as i take him home. I noticed on the way back, Shirou had fallen asleep, he must've been tired. I smile gently, opening our main front door and bringing him to my bed, since his bed is to far away. (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

I sat on the chair beside him, he was so peaceful. I kiss his fore head, smiling as i fall to sleep.



That was bootiful and cringy. 



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