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"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work

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"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." – Aristotle




"What about you pretty boy? Would you like to order?" North said with a slight laugh, standing up and looking over the two siblings again. They were odd. And something told him that this Sparrow is the same one that sparked the family meeting last night, the one that went over everyone's sexuality.

"I'd like the same thing she got, please? With a side of eggs as well." Spencer says, laughing a little at the snarled lip and disgusted face Sparrow shot him. She did not like eggs. Well, she liked hard boiled eggs.

As both boys left to run back to work, Luke fully intending to come back and talk with them, chocolate chip pancakes where his favorite food after all, both Sparrow and Spencer tilted their heads together and started scribbling across multiple notebooks.

Their theories where normally right. And if it was right this time, they weren't just dealing with a sexual sadist seriel killer. No, they had an entire different motive powering their killers. And it was terryfing to think about. 


Spencer and Sparrow sit spaced out across the dinners booth table, four hours after they initially got there. North and Luke Taylor had stayed a little longer after Sang and Dakota Lee came for the morning shift, watching as the twins both continued working.

Just as Sang and Victor had been, they were extremely intrigued by the twins. Though Sang and Victor had only officially met Sparrow, they had both heard Spencer over the phone. North and Luke had an upfront interaction and view of the actual bond between the two.

So all four worked around the dinner through the breakfast rush from six to eight, before they finally huddled together to watch the two work.

Sang herself wanted to walk up and talk with them, she wanted to answer the question Sparrow asked her. A couple days prior, after the girl had asked it, she had left in a rush with the FBI members she showed up with. Barely tossing a bye over her shoulder to Victor, but giving Sang a quick hug out the door.

Victor had tried running a background check on Sparrow Reid, though absolutely nothing came up, which immediately put everyone on defense. Until they ran a check on Spencer Reid, his was not completely baren like Sparrows, but nearly everything was confidential.

It appeared that neither one of them was paying any attention to their surroundings, though if you watched closely you could clearly see that every few seconds they were glancing around the small dining area, keeping surveillance of anyone entering and exiting the building.

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