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"For every tear she shed, he was there to collect them with a hug." - unknown




Following that the shorter one pulls out a knife and begins shredding the bedding and curtains in the room, along with the clothes in the closet.

This continues on for a couple more minutes before the shorter one comes upon a golden-colored MacBook that had been stuck in the bottom of one of the drawers.

The second they find the laptop, both individuals are moving towards and out the entrance of the room, neither one stopping to look or touch anything else.

"No gloves," Luke mumbles nodding towards the two suspects, "Guarantee you that they left fingerprints."

"Is that your hotel room?" North asks, his tone nearly feral as Silas lays a hand on his shoulder. 


"I don't like this." Hotch snaps, pulling up in front of the three-story colonial-style mansion, "I mean, of every possible solution that we could have come up with, this is the one everyone agrees to go with." 

"I didn't think you would be this whiny when you didn't get your way," Sparrow mumbles from the back seat, rolling her eyes as Hotch shoots her a glare.

"We barely know these people, Sparrow! And I just got ordered by the director to leave my two most valuable brains with them! How do we know one of them isn't a member of this anti-Academy serial killing group?" 

"I'm glad to know that you're only concerned about how valuable our brains are, really, it's super endearing." 

"Sparrow, damn it, you know that's not what I meant. You're terrified of men, that's why you'll only let Spencer, Morgan, or I touch you. Your own grandfather can't even touch you without warning you first. Spencer is the same exact way. You both just spent the past two years in intensive therapy because you could barely function without each other, and even now you both can only function so long without the other. You're moving into a house with nine unknown men and no backup. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do. So excuse me for being whiny." 

Clicking her tongue Sparrow unbuckles her seat belt and moves to the middle part of the backseat, leaning forward so her head is between JJ and Hotch. 

"I know how bad this is Aaron, you don't have to tell me. But it's the only thing that we could come up with. If you think about it, this is going to provide an upper hand to the investigation. The anti-academy serial killers after us won't know where we went, and we are going to have unlimited access to Academy resources. I know you hate the Academy, but this takes away some of that red-tape that always holds us up." 

Putting the car in park, Hotch rotates so he can make eye contact with her, "This is about more than an investigation Sparrow. This is about your and Spencer's health. You've worked so hard to get back to a resemblance of what you both used to be. I'd rather completely pull you both off this assignment than risk that. You're family and you're more important than solving this." 

Putting her hand on Hotch's cheek, Sparrow smiles softly at him, before pulling back and shooting a wink towards JJ who was watching with a small smile. 

"Spencer and I can do this, I promise Hotch. It's been two years, and as you said we've gone through years of therapy. We're going to have to move on from it eventually. This will be a good stepping stone. And we'll be able to work in a safer environment."

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