Chapter Six | It Must Be Hell

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After the girls basically kidnapped me and forced me into the back of Lauren's car, we were on the way to the mall. I considered saying that my mom wanted me to come straight home, but they knew my mom and would never buy that excuse.

"Before we start, let's go to the food court. I'm starving," Lily announced.

"Definitely, Cinnabon is calling my name!" Lauren laughed, rubbing her stomach for emphasis.

I laughed, "I could use a pretzel with cheese."

Carly started walking and led the way to the food court.

After we all got a little snack and satisfied our appetites, Carly settled her gaze on me. "It's go time." I almost burst out laughing at how serious she sounded. I pulled out my wallet, preparing myself for the onslaught of dresses coming my way,

"Just so you know," I stated as we walked through the entrance of a dress store, "I can only spend like 50 bucks."

"Oh hell no, we'll all pitch in to get you the best dress ever, right?" Carly said and looked at the others for confirmation.

Lauren and Lily both nodded in agreement.

I couldn't help but smile at what great friends they were.


20 minutes later and the smile was erased from my face, replaced with a glare as Lauren shoved 5 dresses in my arms. I groaned in defeat as I turned to go back in the changing room. Three of them were so tight and low cut that I didn't even waste my time showing them to the girls. I slid on the next one which was long and peach colored with little, fake diamonds lining the top part.

I decided it was pretty good and walked out to show them.

"Oh that one's awesome!" Lily said, which was pretty much the same response she'd used for every dress so far.

Carly pursed her lips, "Hmm, you look hot but that's a given. I'm not sure if it's the one."

I sighed, "Whatever, I'll go get the next one," and shuffled my way back to the dressing room.

This is the process that took place for about 8 more dresses. I went through so many different colors, ruffles, cinches and sequins that I was exhausted and about ready to give up.

I walked out in the last dress they offered me: a bright, banana yellow dress that ended about 3 inches above my ankles because of my insane height.

Lily and Lauren frowned when I came out and I knew it looked as terrible as I feared.

"Um...," Lauren said, biting her lip.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh spare me, it's awful, I know."

"I've tried on like all the dresses in the store, I'm just gonna pick one."

"Hold the fuck up!" Carly screamed as she ran over to me, gaining the attention of several others in the store.

"This is it, I just know it!'

She held up a dress and I had to admit it was unbelievably gorgeous, so gorgeous I feared I wouldn't be able to pull it off.

I walked over to Carly and grabbed it from her silently. I didn't bother fighting her on this; I knew this was the dress, or rather the one.

After getting into the changing room and stripping out of the terrible yellow dress as fast as I could, I stepped into the new dress, amazed as the fabric slid over me and it was a perfect fit. The three-way mirror provided an excellent view and I lost myself studying the dress in admiration.

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