Part 11

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I wordlessly help April put the groceries into the trunk of my car. I basically followed her around the store the entire time, letting her get whatever she wanted and needed. I made sure to grab some strawberry ice cream along with some other unhealthy treats. Comfort foods. 

We hadn't done much talking, there wasn't much to talk about. I glanced at the time, and hurried April into the car, we had to go get Alex and bring him home. The two of us drove to the hospital and walked in at a fast pace, making it to Alex's room in time to see him in a wheelchair, dressed in street clothes with discharge papers on his lap.

"Finally! What took you so long?" He sighed in annoyance. 

"Sorry, we were getting food. Let's get outta here," I say, glancing at April in amusement.

The redhead grabs the discharge papers, reading through them as I push Alex's wheelchair out of the building. We help him into the passenger seat of the car, April jumps in the back when he's settled. 

I was hoping I would run into Cristina at the hospital, she had told me she wasn't going to take time off. I understood that, work was a great way to keep your mind of things. I did miss work, the OR was the only time I felt light, had a clear head, not caring about what was happening anywhere but in that room. Well, that's how I used to feel. It might be different now. 

By the time we got home, April and I both assisted Alex into his bedroom. Lexie and Jackson were on the couch watching a movie, and I assumed Derek was sleeping. He got tired easily, even walking around the house exhausted him. Somehow, he slept undisturbed my nightmares. At least that I knew of. I would notice if he jerked awake in the middle of the night, covered in sweat and panting like I did. 

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I didn't eat lunch, but April made dinner. Some type of casserole, I wasn't paying attention. I only had a little, but it was really good. I knew not eating and sleeping were starting to take a toll on my body, so I forced myself to drink a lot more during the day, and spent a lot of my time just laying around. Not sleeping, just resting. 

That night, I laid in bed around midnight, watching the slow rise and fall of Derek's chest. I had planned to stay up, but eventually sleep overtook me. 

Meredith smiled and grabbed Derek's hand, pulling him into an on-call room. She planted a kiss on his lips but pulled away far too soon for his liking, leaving him wanting more. Derek came forward, ready to get her into bed with him, but she stopped him.

"I have to tell you something," She smiled, but her eyes held seriousness.

Derek frowned, she didn't usually stop sex when it got to this point. In fact, if something was bothering her, they would usually bury it in sex.

"I'm pregnant," She laughed joyously.

It took a moment for the news to set in, but as soon as it did Derek's face lit up, he kissed Meredith and spun her around, finally bringing her in for a hug. 

"We're going to have a baby! I love you!" He said, resting his forehead against hers.

Meredith opened her mouth to say "I love you" back, but was interrupted by a gasp from Derek.  He went limp in her arms, and she smelled blood. Behind Derek, stood Gary Clark, a gun smoking in his hand.

He had shot Derek. Meredith screamed as her husband fell to the ground, blood already pooling around him. The all too familiar pain from cramps in her abdomen kicked in, and she screamed again, collapsing to her knees and she felt blood spread down her scrub pants.

Meredith knelt over Derek, yelling at him, she stared in absolute horror as she watched the life drain out of his eyes. When his chest  didn't rise for another breath, she screamed, this time louder and more heart-wrenching than before. 

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