Chapter 22

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Man pov

He turned to Julie and asked again

"What are we doing here"

"Is she here?? Is she here to visit someone?"

"Please tell me all of your silence is killing me." He said desperately

He looked around and moved inside not caring that all the kids holding bunch of flowers.

The driver admires Allina alot whenever he got to know that they are going to visit her. He would get flowers from his backyard and gave them to children. Every child hold flower, they all run inside moving past Jason and Put the flower on something. They start playing near the benches. Some kid would play hide or seek while some would collect flower from the small garden near the field.

The field was divided into three parts. One part hold garden full of flower and a apple tree. Second part had benches all in a round shape. Third part hold the

Jason watched the kids playing and stopped in his way. He watched kids putting flowers on something and moved near to the place.

Thomas with anger in his eyes moved past Jason with the small girl still in his arms.

His wheelchair screeched with the angry force he put to move fast. All the way the small girl slept in his lap and Ms Julie took the drivers hand in hers.

Ms Julie hold the driver's hand for support as her eyes teared up with the sudden sadness. All the kids are moving around, playing or picking flower to put on something in corner of the field.

A place big but alone.

A place hold something but small.

A place has so much flower to hold.

But still the saddens is what it giving to all....

Taking a step gets difficult for him, finally taking a breath and holding himself up in faith that this is not what he thinks, he moved to the something.

Just ten steps away he saw his wife's Picture on a stone. flowers covered something. Rushing fast he moved close and sat down. He pushed the flowers away. His mind play a different game with him. It felt like it isn't working fast because he didn't catch what he was seeing.

As the last flower sweeped off he finally saw it, it is a


Here rest the bravest, the strongest and mother of all children of Julie orphanage

Allina Florence

"No no no" he keep mumbling.

"She can't leave me"he shouted and thrashed around.

The ground had sudden sweeped away from his feet, he broke down like a glass. Scatered never fixed, can't be fixed.

His face void of emotion but the tears still wet his face. The eyes longing to his wife is null, the heart beating for Allina broken now.

The strength he holded to embrace her gone now. His body slumped down on ground.
His sobbing startled the children and each one rushed to Ms Julie. They embrace her and hide their face. The driver still holding Julie's hand teared up and Mr. Thomas White sat near the grave with now woke up Little girl in his lap.

The girl start crying with Jason. Her wails echoed in the field and hearing her no one could control their emotions.

The children cried without making a sound, each one went to the little girl while she thrashed to be free. The little girl got away from everyone and went to the grave.

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