41 | Pass the torch

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Look at that raccoon reading an Apple Cabin guide! Thank you @j.rhianna.j for the poster - I haven't even commented yet on the little baby in the corner

Chapter 41: Pass the torch

They stepped aside, watching me, as if expecting me to actually walk through that. No, no, no.  This is not the Hunger Games and I am not a tribute. I looked ahead at the path they'd paved.

It headed straight to Luke Dawson.

He was standing in the center of the cafeteria, talking to Austin. He laughed at something Austin said and ran a hand through his hair, unaware of the eyes that were on him.

That's when Austin mentioned me and Luke turned around, scanning the lunch line until his eyes landed on me. He smiled and that warm smile reminded me of normality.

This is the Luke I know. Not the basketball player some people idolize.

"We were waiting for you," Luke said, walking towards me. His hoodie was unzipped, and I don't know why I focused on his hoodie strings, watching them move beneath his bare neck. 

Austin walked beside him and they crossed the cafeteria. It struck me as funny that it takes me several minutes to get through the crowd and they just waltz through. 

Austin walked towards the doors. "Let's go to lunch," he said, next to the line of people waiting.

"Isn't this..." I asked, holding my tray of food as we walked out of the cafeteria.

"No," Austin chuckled, as if I was a kid asking for dessert instead of dinner.


The hallways were pretty empty during lunchtime and I walked with my tray in hand. Such a shame my lasagna was getting cold. I hope there's a microwave wherever we're going.

I caught Luke glancing at my tray with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you eat like a five-year-old every day?" he teased me.

What's wrong with lasagna and a juice box?

"No, but you could act like a gentleman every day," I responded, extending my tray for him to take.

His smile widened at my response and he accepted the tray.

The boys walked quicker than me and I found myself hurrying keep up. Austin was leading the way, and he took a left turn before he strolled into a classroom where music was playing.

Luke held the door open for me with one hand, while the other held my tray. He waited for me to walk through. I did, feeling major deja vu.

"First time, Millie?" Chad presumed, sitting at the teacher's desk in an empty classroom.

It felt like I was walking into a detention run by Chad.

Somehow, Chad had connected his phone to the surround sound speakers in this room and was playing music. Delivery food lay out on the front row of desks, including an area for drinks. He'd even managed to smuggle alcohol into school.

"Yes, first time," I lied.

I don't think anyone remembered, but on the first day of school I-

"No," Luke corrected me, "You came here on the first day, by accident."

OK, so Luke remembered. I looked at my boyfriend with mixed emotions. I thought about how even back then, he cared about me. But then I also thought about how back then, he was a real jackass. I'm conflicted.

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