60 | He said we

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Chapter 60: He said we

Horror movies often take place in a large empty house. Dusk is setting over the horizon as the clock ticks later. Suspense builds in the uncertainty and the victims question their loyalties.

"She's going to kill us," I whispered.

"There's a crazy look in her eyes," Cearra whispered back.

We edged further into the entryway and the front door slammed shut behind us. I jumped, and kept my eyes trained on Bianca.

"Do you two want to direct this scene or can I take my shower?" Luke asked us, not participating in our melodrama.

While we were weary after a long morning out, Bianca had spent all this time preparing. She had a motive and she stood eerily still in a sundress.

The blackmailer.  Right?

"Welcome back," she greeted us, "I think it's time we all had a little chat."

"Ooh noo thank you," I tried to exit out the front door we just walked in.

Luke rested his hand on my elbow, "I'll walk you to your room."

"My hero," I said sarcastically.

"Why are you standing in darkness?" Oma asked, flicking on the light switch.

"I didn't know where the switch was," she answered.

As part of our 'punishment' for ruining dinner last night, Chad's dad had told none of the staff to come to work today. Which meant that we had to do things ourselves like... turn on the lights.

"Let's regroup in the living room in twenty," Austin suggested, seeing that Luke and I were already halfway out the hallway.


~20mins later~

The TV was on in the living room and a bottle of wine had been popped open. We waited for the others to join before heading to the couch.

"Whatever it is, I got your back," Cearra told me and pointed at the staircase, "And he does too."

We watched Luke jog down the stairs in gray sweatpants and a zip up hoodie. He never zipped the hoodie up fully, which means that part of his chest was on display. And his gray sweatpants-

Cearra's phone starting ringing. She sighed when she saw it was her mom again, "Hi mom."

"Hi Cece, I didn't realize you'd be out so early this morning," her mom's voice said through the phone, "Are you having fun? Have you learnt anything?"

I smiled, remembering how Austin had promised 'educational' experiences while he was pretending to be Chad's dad with no moustache.

"Have I learnt anything?" Cearra repeated loudly, walking towards Bianca on her way outside, "Yeah. I learnt that sleeping with a guy's friend just to make the guy you like jealous doesn't work."

She lowered her phone and gave Bianca a dark glare.

Then she slid the glass door open and continued her conversation with her mom in the pool area outside. I felt Luke's arm over my shoulder and his body behind me. He kissed me on the cheek, and I leaned back, letting my body press against his.

"Are you worried about this?" I asked.

"Not at all," Luke replied without skipping a beat.

I could hear he was genuine. But what if things that are not a big deal to him are a big deal to me – like casually hooking up with an ex while you're talking to the next?

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