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On the first day that Dorian arrived in London, he wanted to face his ghost. Now, I don't know why facing his worst nightmare was the first thing that he wanted to do, but I do know that it was very important to him.

Only one thought was racing his mind. "He wasn't there anymore. He cannot hurt you anymore just like he couldn't hurt you all the years since you left." He also knew that there was no point living in fear. He was free. He was free from the prison inside his head.

Keeping that in mind, he went to the darkest part of the mansion - the attic. The attic wasn't dark just because of the lack of sunlight. It was dark because of the unpleasant memories attached to it.

Herb's assumption of Dorian having been abused by Kelso as a child was absolutely correct. Kelso had been hitting the five-year old inside a room in the old and dusty attic, blaming the poor child for the death of his parents.

It was a torture that I hope no one has to ever face. I pray that no child has to live with themselves thinking that they are the reason that their parents were no more or have to face the lashes from a belt for no reason at all.

So, to face his demons, Dorian walked inside that very room which haunted him even after all those years. He could feel the fear that he used to feel as his hand touched the door knob.

Entering the room felt as though he had fallen into the cold sea from thousands of feet above, countless numbers of pieces of glass made up of ice were piercing into him.

The attic was dark indeed but Dorian had to make it a lively place somehow. He walked into the room and removed the sheets of cloth that were covering the windows. Dust flew everywhere and he sneezed, some of the particles had gone into his eyes and he was tearing up.

He brushed it out of his eyes and then turned to look at a mirror behind him that had broken pieces of glasses on it that were threatening to fall out any time.

He walked closer to it but he stepped onto something and there was a tinkling sound. As he looked down, he saw that it was a broken piece of glass that had fallen from the mirror.

He picked it up, careful not to touch the edges and kept it from where it could have fallen from. The piece fit perfectly and as Dorian saw his reflection, he wondered whether his life was like the mirror.

He could see different reflections of himself on the mirror and wondered if the mirror was representing his soul. He knew that he was a broken man. His life was broken into the pieces. He needed someone to fix him. He needed someone to pick up a broken part of him and complete him.

But the only problem was, would he find that someone in London? Could anyone ever love him? Could he openly talk to someone? Could he love someone so much that he would forget himself but not them?

He could almost see the younger version of himself hiding in the corner of the room. He could hear the door open with a blast and see Kelso walk in, the light surrounding him and showing the true rage in his eyes and a belt wrapped around his right fist.

Dorian felt the walls closing in. He couldn't breathe. He loosened the scruffs on his neck and took deep breaths. His head was spinning.

"Dorian?" Basil called out his name.

Dorian opened his eyes and realised that he was just thinking about that day. He was present in the living room with Basil, who was painting his portrait.

"How long will the portrait take?" Dorian asked, trying to shake off the dark feeling.

"Around two weeks."

"I can't wait to see it." He tried to smile.

"Well, you cannot see it now." He said as he packed his supplies.

Dorian moved to the changing room but he forgot to close the drapes fully and hence, Basil noticed the scars on his back. Those scars were the result of Kelso's actions. It ran in straight lines and a few of them were deeper than the others.

Scars fade, wounds heal. But they always leave behind their mark. They will always haunt a person's soul.

"Aren't you tired of looking at me?" Dorian asked curiously.

"The more I look, the more I see." Basil revealed. It was actually Rosemary's reply when he had asked her if she wasn't bored of reading the same book over and over again.

"Basil, I wanted to ask you something." Dorian started. "Can you take me to your family library sometime?"

"Of course." He nodded.

"I want to donate some books that I found the other day."

That was just a part of the answer. Dorian also wanted to meet Rosemary again. There was some part of him that felt something towards her. He felt nervous around her but at the same time, he wanted to be around her. He wanted to see her smile and hear her voice.

"It would be a pleasure."

Now, Basil was the middleman here. He was a part of both Dorian and Rosemary's life. He realised their feelings for each other even before they themselves knew it. Basil knew that Dorian was just looking for a reason to meet Rosemary. He knew his sister like he knew his own mind and knew that she liked him.

"The books are memoirs actually. The house is too big for them. The best place for them would be someplace that people will actually read them." Dorian said.

"Rosemary loves reading memoirs." Basil said, bringing her name into the conversation deliberately.

"She does?" His eyes lit up suddenly.

"The library doesn't have many memoirs. We would be honoured if you donated those books." Basil said. "Mother will be very happy."

"Then I will come around tomorrow then."

The Redeemed Soul [Dorian Gray]Where stories live. Discover now