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"You too, Zoe?" I mocked a scowl.

"It's contagious. Funny finding you here."

"Ditto. How are you?"

Her gaze was bright, dark afro framing her head like a curly halo.

"I'm doing great, how about you?"

"Can't complain...how's work?" I followed her facial expressions, hoping it didn't make her uncomfortable.

"It's okay."


"I heard about the rumors circulating."

Her pink lips rolled into her mouth as a smile threatened to break through.

"Am I the only person who's not finding it funny? I mean, apart from my co-workers."

"Now how's that not funny? Your co-workers are just surprised, I assure you."

"It's fucked up."

"Is that so?" She wiggled her eyebrows.


"I guess people are different."

"What do you mean? People aren't reacting towards it?"

"Not really, I mean we all saw you come in twice."



"Including, uhm..." I coughed nervously, and she narrowed her eyes.


I scratched the back of my neck.


"Oh, she's not bothered by those, at least she seemed so. I didn't hear her or Marisol speak about them."



— amazing.

"It's nothing, don't worry about them. I guess her publicist will deal with it."

"Cool cool."

"I have a question."

Oh God Zoe! I inwardly groaned.

I could see right through her, and the look in her eyes made me want to jump off the stool and run straight for the doors.


"Do you like Tess?"

Of course—I mean of course she'd ask that.

"She's a nice girl," I shrugged and feigned nonchalance.

"I mean like proper feelings and stuff."

"It's just been close to three weeks."


"So, how could I like her like that?"

"It's not impossible," she smiled widely.

"And besides, she has a boyfriend. I heard he wasn't taking those stories well."

Her smile faltered.

Oh no.

"He's angry with her, isn't he?"

"I don't know, she hasn't mentioned anything pertaining to them."

I guess I wasn't the only one who felt uneasy when it came to Derek.

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