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Like a phoenix rises from the ashes, I too saw the light filtering through the surface of the ocean.

Pushing my arms upwards, I swam, but it looked so far, too far. I was running out of air—suffocating, dying.

I still tried to get closer, and closer, and closer. Until—

Inhaling as much of the precious air that my lungs could take, I bolted upright and felt a sore sensation wash over me.

I gagged and swallowed, squinting from the blinding light.

The smell of strong disinfectant, the incredible white, the IV didn't need to further clarify my surroundings as it was pretty clear I was in the hospital.

But why? What happened back there?

I groaned as I felt a sharp pang rip through my stomach. My mouth tasted acidic.

My eyes darted across the room in search for the time.

Seven o'clock, but how? 

With a contemplative frown, I drilled holes into my gown, trying to go over the snippets of conversations I had heard in between the drifts of consciousness.

There was Naomi speaking, but with who?

I knew that the answers to my questions would have to wait, because I needed to get out of there—fast.

As I started reaching for the drip wires, a woman in a white lab coat walked in, surprise written all over her middle aged face.

"Good. You're up."

"He started burning out at around 1 when he came back from lunch."

"What is going on?"

"Did he go out with anyone?"

She came over and checked the IV, presumably suspecting that I had tampered with it.

"Tess Salander."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. What am I doing here?"

"It's nothing to worry about, Kyle. But you had taken in a toxin that temporarily shut down your body. You're very lucky to be alive," she said, the beeping sound from the EKG picking up as my heart raced.

"Do you think she could've poisoned him?"

"Please, Sir, try to calm down."

"What kind of toxin?"

"Which kind of poison was it? It might've been a mishap with the food."



"So, do you think that it's a coincidence or she poisoned him?"

"I'd have to keep that information from you right now as you are unstable," she informed, I looked at her with bewilderment.

"I presume that methanol can't be found in food."

"No, unfortunately."

"I believe she has poisoned him."

My heart skipped a beat, my lips parting with disbelief.

"I was poisoned..." I whispered, "...I was poisoned, I need to get out of here."

Unplugging the wires from my veins, her eyes widened as I stood up and searched for my missing clothes.

It didn't matter if I wasn't going to find them, I would walk out regardless.

"Sir, calm down," she repeated with caution.

"Sir, please relax and listen to me. It's for your health," she pleaded as I grunted.

 Am I dreaming?

And before I knew it, a few nurses ran in and held me down to the bed all within the speed of light.

"Ah!" I yelled with surprise as they looked down at me like I was insane.

"Let me go!" I roared and struggled.

Why are they doing this to me? I have the right to live.

Tess...God, God, God...Tess.

"Kyle," the doctor warned, and I panted harshly.

"Leave me alone," I seethed.

"Calm down."

"No! Someone wants to kill me, don't let me stay here!"

How could it have been, Tess? It can't be, and besides, when did I ever leave...

I gasped when realization poured over me like a bucket of ice cold water as I stared at the white ceiling.

"I need to see—"

But it was too late. The injection had pierced my leg, numbing my entire being as my vision blurred once more.

And then I blacked out.


My stomach churned again, screaming promises of letting out its contents as I tossed and turned about the silky sheets.

Silky sheets?

Breathing in deeply in hopes of the discomfort succumbing to my ignorance, I suddenly shot up and zeroed in on the silver pail placed beside me.

Instantly grabbing it, I threw up as the most hideous noise echoed in the red themed bedroom.

Whose bedroom am I in?

I was in a hysteria.

The withdrawn curtains were a rich burgundy, the glossy furniture and vanity polished to perfection.

I obviously frowned and wondered.

The bed was the biggest I had ever seen, with cashmere blankets and silky red pillowcases drenched in my sweat.

It was hot...too hot, so I wiped my forehead and slipped out of bed with the astringent taste still sitting in my mouth.

Not even two steps away, with me being dressed in comfortable clothing that I didn't remember wearing that day, the door opened and Tess' slow footsteps filled my ears, punctuating every bit of thought that was marinated in bitter trepidation.

Click. What am I going to do?

Click. What is she going to do?

She stilled with a silver tray in hand. It contained a glass of milk and stacks of pancakes...for dinner.

"Kyle, you're up," she blinked with surprise, a relieved smile spreading on her lips.

Walking towards me, I took the equal amount of steps back. She froze.


I couldn't trust her, not when things looked like this, and I wasn't going to let my naivety get the best of me—again.

"Kyle?" She echoed, searching my face in the bright moonlight.

"Tess," I acknowledged coldly, and curled my hands.

"What's wrong?"

"You poisoned me, didn't you?"


Boston's Man-EaterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora