Chapter 16

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After eating and playing board games, the kids then left to go home. Takeo and M-21 are washing the dishes while the others are already done with their duties. Tao's phone breaks the comfortable silence in the room, he frowns when he looks at the caller ID.

"Oh my, what business do you have with me, Agent Sangeen An? What is the problem?" He speaks loudly, garnering everyone's attention. After a few minutes, he nods then gives out a response...

"Alright." Everyone is looking at him waiting for an explanation.

"He found traces of a fight with those who have abilities. And there was no communication with the Union about this beforehand."

"That means it may not be the Union, but it may also mean that the Union is moving secretly." Frankenstein narrows his eyes...

"Yes, we should look into it with KSA agents. The three of us will go and take a look first." Tao said as M-21 fixes his sleeves and Takeo is tying his hair.

"You may go with them tomorrow night." Frankenstein nodded, it may be better if the three can take a closer look at what really is happening.

"Today was fun!" Ikhan said happily. They are all on their way home but Reina's mind is not entirely present. She worries about the three who are with the KSA agents.

"Yeah, I had fun, too." Shinwu turns to look at Reina.

"How about you, Reina?"

"I did, too." She said smiling at him.

"It's more fun because we haven't been to the PC Room in a while."

"It was more fun since we all played as one team against total strangers, unlike last time."

"It was! I was a bit nervous and wasn't doing well but it was still exciting." Yuna agrees with Shinwu and Sui. The nobles, Raizel and Reina perk up to the sudden increase of energy near where they are. They all look at each other then leap towards where they felt it.

"It's fun because we get to play with Reina as our teammate! She is our MVP!" Shinwu turns to look at Reina but they were already gone...

"What happened?"

"Where did they go?"

"They were just here... Did they... get lost?"

"Right! With Rai, that's possible!"

"But Regis, Seira, and Reina were with him..."



Seira, Regis, Reina, and Raizel landed on the ground catching the attention of three enhanced humans who were cornering someone.

"Who's there?" The biggest of the three shouted.

"What? M-24 knows those guys?" The thinner man shouted looking at the four of them.

'M-24... ?' Reina narrows her eyes as she remembers the name to one of Frankenstein's stories about what happened when Raizel woke up.

"Stop yelling. You're losing class... " Regis said calmly.

'Ah yes, Seira and Regis do not know who M-24 is...' 

"What did you say?" One of the goons shouted angrily.

"I told you not to shout..." Regis' demeanor changed startling the three.

They charge towards Regis with every might but he is able to knock them all up in a flash of an eye.

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)Where stories live. Discover now