Is There Something You Want To Hear?

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    Mohan tugged on the sail and then jolted forward as the canoe went further into the water.

"We're okay Pua." He said to the pig who sat in the boat with him.

"There's more fish beyond the reef." Then he looked longingly at the water. "There is more beyond the reef."

He pulled on the sail and he went over the first wave without any trouble.

"Not so bad." He said smiling to himself.

The sail got shifted by the wind as the boat went over another wave. Pua fell into the water and started squealing for help.

"Pua!" Mohan exclaimed and started paddling to him. But another wave crashed into the boat and he was tossed into the water.

He swam over to Pua and came out gasping for air, but the waves kept coming, pulling him back into the water. His foot got stuck in a coral and he tried to get it out as a bigger wave was approaching.

Meanwhile, [Y/n] had come to the beach to check to Mohan, when she saw a boat wash up on the shore. She saw something struggling in the water and squinted her eyes as she saw Pua and a black haired person being dragged down into the water.

"Mohan!" She gasped and dived into the water, searching around for him. She found him and swam over to him as he tried to free his leg which was stuck in a coral. She looked around and took a rock, smashing it down on the coral until Mohan's leg was free. Then she pulled him away, before the wave crashed.

[Y/n] dragged Mohan and Pua to the surface as they both gasped for air. [Y/n] pushed the wet hair out of her face as Pua squealed, running away from the boat. She rushed over to Mohan as he sat up.

"Mohan are you okay?"

"I'm fine [Y/n]."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Thanks for saving me though." He said smiling at her.

"You're welcome." She smiled back at him, then frowned. "But what were you thinking?"

"I was just…"

"You could have gotten lost or drowned or worse. Why did you go out there alone?"

"I wasn't alone, Pua was with me." He said jokingly but then dropped it when he saw her glare. "I'm sorry [Y/n], I just wanted to help with the whole fish situation." [Y/n] sighed.

"Come on." She picked Pua up. "Let's get back to the village."

Mohan stood up and then gasped in pain making [Y/n] turn to him.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Whatever just happened, blame it on the pig." Tala said appearing behind the two teens, making them jump.

"Oh Grandma." Mohan said nervously, hiding his bruised leg behind the other one as [Y/n] squinted at him suspiciously.

Tala walked up to him and used her come to lift his foot, to see the bruise better as Mohan yelped in pain.

"Are you gonna tell Dad?" Mohan asked nervously.

"I'm his mom. I don't have to tell him anything." Tala replied.

Mohan smiled slightly but then frowned as he looked back to the ocean.

"He was right about going out there." He said solemnly, then he turned back and faced the mountain. "It's time to put my stone on the mountain."

[Y/n] walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder smiling in comfort.

"Okay." Tala said nonchalantly. "Well then head on back. Put that stone up there." Then she went into the water and started dancing with the manta rays. Mohan and [Y/n] glanced at each other confused.

"Wait, you're not gonna talk him out of it?" [Y/n] asked.

"He said that what's he wanted." Tala replied.

"It is." Mohan stated firmly. He grabbed [Y/n]'s hand and began pulling her back to the village when he heard his Grandma's voice.

"When I die, I'm going to come back as one of these." She said gesturing to the rays. "Or I chose the wrong tattoo."

"Why are you acting weird?" Mohan asked.

"I'm the village crazy lady, that's my job." She replied making [Y/n] laugh.

"If there's something wanna tell me… us…" Mohan correcting himself and grabbing [Y/n]'s hand again, making her blush and Tala smiled knowingly at them. "Just tell us. Is there something you want to tell us?"

"Is there something you want to hear?"

How Far I'll Go (Male Moana X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu