We Were Voyagers

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  Tala led the two teens to another part of the island. Mohan drew [Y/n] back by her arm and whispered.

"You can just go back to the village. I'm sure they're looking for you by now."

"What? No way."

"This is kind of between Grandmother and Grandson." [Y/n] frowned.

"Tala didn't complain about me coming."

"Yeah but, what if where we're going is dangerous? I don't want you to get hurt."

"Okay first, an old woman won't take us to a place that's dangerous. Second, who just saved your life moments ago?"

"Yeah I know but…"

"[Y/n]'s coming along and that's final. You did talk about the both of you together when you said 'us' right?" Tala asked Mohan as [Y/n] smiled smugly at him and went after her.

Mohan huffed muttering the word 'women' under his breath.

"You two have been told all our people's stories. Except one."

Tala led them to a cave, the entrance covered with vines. She pulled the vines back and they entered. She handed Mohan the torch and took away some rocks from the pile, leaving a small opening.

"What's in there?" Mohan asked peering inside.

"The answer to the question you keep asking yourself. Who are you meant to be? Go inside, bang the drum and find out." Tala said.

Mohan started to go in, but then turned and stretched his hand towards [Y/n].

"You're with me right?" She smiled and took his hand.

"Till the very end." He smiled back and they both went in.


Mohan and [Y/n] were surprised by what they saw inside the cave. Boats, boats and more boats. They got on one and looked further into the cave. There were more boats than they could ever imagine. They got on the biggest boat and saw a huge drum with two sticks on top. Mohan handed the torch to [Y/n] and grabbed the sticks.

"Bring the drum." Mohan said, repeating what Tala told him. He did so, nothing happened. He turned to [Y/n] who shrugged. He banged it a second time, and he heard a drumroll in response. He banged it a third time and the torches lit up, startling them both. Suddenly, they were pulled into a trance.

       A lot of people, big enough to be an entire village, we're all on boats sailing around the world. Then they settled down on an island. Then after a while, the chief handed his necklace to his son, blessing him and sending him off into the ocean, on his own great adventure.

"Did you see that?" Mohan asked wide-eyed, after the vision was cut off. [Y/n] just nodded, too dumbfounded to speak.

"We were voyagers." Mohan said excitedly. "We were voyagers!" He picked [Y/n] up and span her around.


"We were voyagers!" He placed her down and kissed her cheek, before grabbing her hand and pulling her back to where Tala was.

Then he let go of her hand screaming, "We were voyagers! We were voyagers!"

"He sure is hyper." [Y/n] said to Tala sitting next to her.

"It's getting him to stop, that's the problem." Tala replied.

"That I can handle." She placed her foot out and Mohan tripped over it. "I think you're missing the most important question here Mohan, why'd we stop?"

"Yeah, why did we?" Mohan asked, taking a seat next to [Y/n].

"Maui." Tala said getting up, walking towards the entrance of the cave. "When he stole from the Mother Island, darkness fell. Te Ka awoke. Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back. To protect our people, the ancient chiefs forbade voyaging and now we have forgotten who we are. And the darkness has continued to spread, chasing away our fish, draining life from island after island."

"Our island?" [Y/n] asked as she and Mohan came to stand next to Tala at the shore. Tala nodded sadly, but then she perked up.

"But one day, someone will journey beyond the reef, find Maui, deliver him across the great ocean to restore the heart of Te Fiti." Tala said handing the heart to Mohan, from her necklace.

"Woah." [Y/n] whispered as she and Mohan gazed at the heart in awe.

"I was there that day. The ocean chose you." The ocean rose up and [Y/n]'s mouth dropped in astonishment.

"I thought it was a dream." Mohan said.

"I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming now." [Y/n] said. Then the ocean soaked both of them with water.

"Nope! Our ancestors believed that Maui lies there, at the bottom of his hook."

Tala said pointing to the constellation on the horizon that was shaped like a hook. "Follow it and you will find him."

"But why would it choose me? I don't even know how to make it past the reef." Mohan said sadly.

"But we know who does right?" [Y/n] said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. Mohan raised his head in realisation.

"You're right. Come on [Y/n]." They started running to the direction of the village, leaving Tala behind

        On their way, they bumped into [M/n].

"Oh mom."

"Where are you two off to in such a hurry?" [M/n] asked. [Y/n] looked back at Mohan.

"Go I'll catch up." He nodded and left her, going to the tent where the elders were seated. [Y/n] turned to her mother.

"Mom I…"

"[Y/n] honey, what's going on?"

"Well um, Mohan and I found a way to stop the darkness and save the island. There's the cave full of boats, huge canoes. Mom, we can take those boats, find Maui and restore the heart of Te Fiti."

"Goodness gracious [Y/n]. Have you been listening to Tala's old stories again?"

"They're not just stories mom. We were voyagers, we can voyage again. Mohan is going out there mom, and I think I might go with him."

"Absolutely not!" [M/n] said abruptly.

"But mom…"

"I let you go out in that ocean with your uncle everyday so you won't feel trapped on this island. But to go beyond the reef, I won't allow it."

"This is our one chance to save our island mom."

"I am not losing another member of my family to the sea."

"I'm not dad mom." [M/n] gasped and them frowned as [Y/n] gasped, knowing her dad's death was a touchy subject.

"Mom, I'm sorry… I…"

"You're staying here and that's final." [Y/n] growled in frustration.


A villager came running to the mother and daughter.

"You better come quickly. They need you at the healing hut."

"Why, what happened?"

"It's the chief's mother, Tala."

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