Chapter 7

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When Sydney arrived at the bar it was already starting to get packed with customers

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When Sydney arrived at the bar it was already starting to get packed with customers. She knew tonight was going to be extremely busy. Sydney parked in the very back before rushing inside to help finish setting up.

When she walked in her other two bar mates were just getting there as well. "Bloody hell, did you see the line outside?" Sydney couldn't help but chuckle. Jamie had only been working at the bar for a couple of weeks and was still getting used to the rush hour at the bar.

"You'll do great. I'll be here to help" Sydney smiled over at him while she tied her hair up and into a bun.  She knew he needed the reassurance but he really was a badass when he got into the zone.

"Let's get everything ready. We open in an hour" Sydney starts her way to the very back to get cold beers out. Jamie went to grab the ice and the other bartender, Luna, restocked the whiskey and any other liquors and rums.

About an hour into their shift they had already had to kick 3 people out. When Sydney cut them off from drinking they would get pissed off and started ranting and raving about how she's a bitch. She brushed it off and called their security guard, Mark, who was 6 foot and 200 pounds of pure muscle.

By the time her break started, she was already ready to go home and pass out on the bed. Sydney told her bar mates she would be back in 15 minutes before she went through the back door of the building. As she was heading towards her car she felt her phone vibrating in her back pocket.

Sydney knew Ink had her break schedule memorized by heart. She pulled the phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen. Of course, Ink. Pressing the green button to answer the phone before placing it to her ear.

"Hey, beautiful" him thick voice sounded like honey to her ears. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Getting bold there, aren't ya" she was a little surprised he called her beautiful since he was at the compound. If one of the brothers heard him they would question him.

"Maybe just a little" Ink let's out a deep chuckle. Sydney could hear him smirking through the phone.

Ink and Sydney continued to talk as she got into her truck and took her much needed a break. 15 minutes wasn't long so she didn't get too comfortable.

It wasn't even 10 minutes into her break she heard a loud knock on her window. It made her jump from the abruptness of it. Ink kept asking what was going on, only got her to shh him.

Sydney looked out her window and squinted since it was fairly dark outside. She recognized the face instantly and the names he kept shouting at her. The man she had thrown out for being an ass because she cut off his drinks was standing right outside her door.

"Caven. It's a man we had to throw out. I cut his drinks off and now he's really pissed." She tried to explain quickly as the knocking got harder. Eventually, she thought her window was doing to bust from the impact.

Sydney wasn't the type to get scared in these situations but for some reason, her stomach clenched with anxiety while her hands started to sweat. Ink kept telling her to stay calm and not leave the truck.

"Why the hell would I leave the truck, Caven?" She didn't mean to be so snappy towards him and he knew she didn't either. This wasn't a feeling she handled every well and having someone repeatedly stay this, that, and the other wasn't helping her anxiety.

"I'm coming. Don't-" before Ink could finish that sentence the sound of her window creak rang through the truck. The man kept yelling and calling her crude names while she scarcely crawled into the passenger seat away from the window.

Sydney could tell the man was still very much intoxicated which made the situation much worse. "Caven...Caven!" Her voices started out calm until the man rammed his fist through it. She was starting to think they were putting some Hulk testosterone in the alcohol.

Sydney could hear Ink curse and fumble around in his room. Not even seconds later she could hear his door slam through the phone, meaning he was on his way. "I'm coming, baby. Don't hang up."

As much as Sydney wanted to answer she was currently kicking the man's hand out of her window. She would look around to see if anyone was outside but of course, everyone was inside or at the front door.

"You stupid, bitch" the man slurs as he reaches through the shattered opening where the window was with bloody hands. He was too drunk to realize he could just unlock and open the door which she was thankful for.

"Fuck it" Sydney kicked his hand once more and turned to open the passenger door, hoping to make it to the bar before he could get to her. Turning to look at him one last time seeing her was lazily looking at his hands, she took that as a sign to run.

She quickly opened the door and squeezed through the tight gap between her truck and the car next to her before taking off. The man had only just realized she had left and started running after her, this made her run even faster.

Before she could get to the door she was two other guys she had thrown out that night. "You have got to be fucking kidding me" she groans as she slowly starts taking steps back as they stalked forward.

It only took her a second to realize the men outside with her were all sitting in the bar. She managed to kick an entire drunk friend group out, just wonderful.

"Now, why don't y'all be some good ol' gentlemen and let me go back to work" she didn't know what to say so she blabbered the first thing that came to mind, only to receive a dark laugh from all three men. Her stomach started to turn and the nauseous hit her hard.

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