Chapter 35

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"I'm so sorry, Sydney" as soon as she walked into the compound her dad was already apologizing

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"I'm so sorry, Sydney" as soon as she walked into the compound her dad was already apologizing. She was already concerned since they left him at the house with Charmaine.

"Where is my daughter?" Her voice was stern. Games were not to be played. She was in momma mode.

"She's upstairs with the young women." Sydney rushed upstairs as soon as her dad finished the sentence.

Ink stayed downstairs and as soon as Sydney was out of sight he grabbed Her dad with the collar of his shirt. "What the hell happened?"

"Brother, let him go." Bear placed his hand on Ink's shoulder. "Let him explain before you go beating someone face in" Ink took a deep breath in before letting go.

He took a few steps back but held a glare on Sydney's dad. "Explain!" Ink snaps.

"Her mother...she came to your house...drunk. I called them as- as soon as she got there" Sydney's dad tried his best not to break down in front of everyone.

"I had the door locked. I even double-checked it but I had Charmaine in my arms. The glass broke and- and it cut my arm up. It just scratched Charmaine a little." Sydney's dad showed ink where the cuts on his arms were bandaged.

"Brother, Sydney's mom busted the window with a brick. We got there just before she managed to unlock the door." Bear spoke up knowing Sydney's dad was still a little shaken from the incidents.

"How did she know you were at our house? Did you tell her?" A million questions were running through his mind. As much as he wanted to run upstairs to check on Charmaine, he needed to know what happened.

"No! No. I swear. She must have followed me then went off to get drunk somewhere." Sydney's dad frantically shook his head.

"Where is she?" Ink looked at Bear with darkness. No one messed with his family.

"Brother. Calm down. We aren't going to tell you where she is at until you calm down." Bear knew Ink would end up doing something he'd regret.

Ink was about to say something but refrained from doing so. He shook his head angrily before making him way up the stairs.

He looked down the hallways and saw that his bedroom light was on. That was the first place he stopped to look. He found Sydney cradling Charmaine while speaking to Haisley.

"Caven. She-"

"I know, baby." Ink walked over to Sydney and kneeled down in front of her. He looked over Charmaine and only saw one spot where the glass nicked her skin.

"I'll leave you be" Haisley politely excused herself and went back downstairs to her husband.

"They have your mom. I'm not sure where. Bear won't tell me" ink caressed Charmaine's cheek as he spoke. He would never forgive himself if something happened.

"Me and Haisley were talking about it. I asked if she could watch Charmaine while we handled her" Sydney was beyond pissed. if she wasn't holding her daughter, she would be shaking out of pure rage.

"She doesn't look like it affected her. Which I Am truly thankful for. I do know one thing for sure, my mom is gonna catch hell for this" Ink nods agreeing with Sydney.

"I may have already scared your dad shitless." Ink sighs. He hated when his temper got the best of him but who could blame him in this situation.

"Yeah. I catch a few words of yours from up here"

A soft knock on the bedroom door in interrupted them. Bear opened the door slowly. "Your mom is awake" Haisley was standing next to him. She was ready to watch Charmaine while they handled business.
"She's in here. I had Tank and Manic carry her in here once she passed out" Bear had his arms crossed over his chest as he stood by the door Sydney's mom was in.

"Caven. I love you but stay here" she rested her hands on his chest. Sydney wanted to talk to her mom alone. Inks temper would get in the way.

"Fine. I'll be right outside this door." Ink respected her decision no matter how much he wanted to be in there.

Sydney patted his chest before ending the room. It was dimly lit and reeked of alcohol. She scanned the room and saw her mother sitting up on the couch with her eyes closed.

"I see you decided to drop by unexpectedly." Sydney's voice remained calm but helped a lot of sarcasm.

"Did you see the beautiful art I made of your front door" Sydney's mom chuckled darkly. Her eyes reminded closed as she spoke to Sydney

"What has happens to you? Have you really let your past consume you to the point you'll try and hurt a baby? Your husband?! Me?!" Sydney knew that raising her voice only made her hangover a hundred times worse but she didn't care.

"Consume me? No, baby. It has open my eyes to what people are really like" Sydney's mom's eyes snap open, glaring up at Sydney.

Sydney could see how much life had been drained from her mother. Her eyes didn't shine like they used to. Now they were full of darkness.

"It has blinded you. I understand you are hurting but that does not give you the right to destroy everyone else's lives." Sydney slowly made her way closer to her mom. The closer she got the more her stomach turned at the smell radiating off of her mom.

"I am not trying to destroy your life! I am trying to make you see that this man is the devil! He doesn't love you! He is going to leave you!" Sydney's mom stood from the couch. She stumbled a little before regaining her balance.

"You don't know him! How could you compare the only person who has cared for me in years to the devil?! The only person that still loves me no matter the decisions I make!" Sydney pushed the sick feeling away and was now standing face to face with her mother

Ink and Sydney  |T.W #2|Where stories live. Discover now