Chapter 17:

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Time had brought glitter and Terrence together. In their sessions together in the private rooms he did more trying to get to know her then, he did wanting to have sex with her. He felt as if she was finally ready to be out in the open with him. When he asked and she declined, he did not worry he gave her his number and they went their separate ways.

Later she texted him asking if he would come to her show on the other side of town. He agreed and got ready to go later that night. He was hungry so after he got done putting out his clothes and shoes for the show. He ordered pizza, ate and took a nap. The whole time he was asleep his phone was blowing up. He turned it off and turned over and went back to sleep.

Once he woke up, he looked at the clock next to his bed and realized that he had slept the day away and did not work out. He was not worried. 'I can go one day without working out'. He said to himself. He took a shower, put on his clothes, and splashed a bunch of cologne on. As soon as he was ready to walk out the door, he remembered he did not have his phone and went back for it.

He decided he would go in one of his other cars since he was going on the other side of town. He looked in the trunk of the red and black old school Monte Carlo he usually drove around town and took out his semi-automatic mini Draco and put it under the seat of his mustang. He then took a nine-millimeter handgun and placed it in his lap as he got into the car. He figured since he was not in his hood, he always had to protect his self.

He stopped by picked up glitter from her house and took her to work. He wondered why she would not let him come in to such a beautiful home. He figured her work life and home life were separate. He said nothing to her about why her house looked as if it was the perfect house to raise a family. The drove to the strip show talking about everything but the subject he had in his mind. Once inside she gave him a kiss and walked to the back of the house. He took a seat in the crowd and pulled out his phone.

Then he realized his phone was still off and he turned it on quickly remembering that neither Tonya nor Sasha liked when his phone was off. That meant he could not answer their calls and he was cheating. When his phone came on it showed that he had six missed calls. Two from his mom and the rest from Sasha. Not seeing any calls from Tomeka he put his phone back in his pocket and ordered a beer.

When it was time for the show, and they called glitters name he saw that the whole time she was dancing her eyes were completely on him. No one else had her attention but him and he loved every minute of it. He felt like it was time for her to stop dancing. He needed her to stop dancing, it was how so many people had fallen in love with her, including him. He hated that other people got to see her almost the way he did. It was why he would go so early and drop so much money on their private room.

When the show was over Terrence went to pull the car around so that he could take glitter home. She seemed really calm as she sat there and counted out almost three thousand dollars. She handed him a thousand, but he did not want it. He told her he wanted her to be his. He asked her to marry him and once she said no, he stopped the car right in the middle of the highway and asked why she wouldn't. she sat in silence, this was not the time or the place to tell him why she wants to be with him in that way. Although she did want him. They started to argue as cars passed him while he sat in the middle of the highway.

Amid the argument he got a call from the hospital. The first time he did not answer. She was still quiet, and he wanted to know why. The second time he looked at the phone ring as he drove right past the hospital. Finally, he decided that it was probably his mother saying she was hungry wanted something to eat, so he answered.

"Hello?" he said sounding a little annoyed.

"Hi, this is the Shadyside hospital may I speak with Terrence Whitely please?" said the nurse with a sad but polite voice.

"Yeah this is me, what's up?" he said.

"Sir I regret to inform you that your mother has passed away, she will be in the room for a while if you would like to see her before she is transported to the morgue."

Before she could even finish her sentence, Terrence dropped his phone and made a U-turn in the middle of the highway. Glitter looked at home as if he had lost his mind. Unfortunately for Terrence there was a police car nearby and he man inside had saw the whole thing and reported it. The police cars chased him all the way back to the hospital, but he did not stop once he made it there. He ran down the hall to the room his mother was assigned to and saw her laying there being taken from the machines.

Glitter got out of the car and ran in a few minutes after the police cleared her of being a part of the U-turn, and speeding charges. She ran to the desk and asked for a man who had been running around the hospital. The nurse pointed down the hall. Glitter did not have to ask what room he was in because he could see the police coming out of room. Knowing that they understood why he was speeding they left the room and let him be to himself.

Glitter had no idea why they were there until she walked in the room and saw him with his head on his mother's chest. She could see that he was sad and crying so she walked over, gave him a hug and left him to grieve alone. She walked to the waiting room and got water from the vending machine and decided to wait it out.

Forgetting that glitter was with him, he thought this was the time when he needed his wife the most. He called her and she did not answer. He got madder and madder every time she did not answer the phone, so he decided to text her. He walked out of the room an instantly remembered that he did not take glitter home. He did not tell her he was married so he all he could do was hope that she had found a way home on her own.

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