Chapter 46

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Abeke Pov


Between the weeping and sniffing all I could have picked up was

"What are You doing here?". I felt the disgust in the 'You'

This girl is unbelievable even when she's at her some what lowest point she still being a bitch. I'm just trying to be nice but this is a waste of my time.

"You know what, Good luck with internalizing your problems" I said as I turned to walk away.

"Wait, I'm sorry, Its just-" She struggled to say. Curse me and my good heart to not leave a person when they're crying

I rolled my eyes and turned around to see the red head on the stairs, her cheeks stained with tears.

I went back and sat next to her. If she was a bit more mean maybe just maybe I would've been excited about catching her slipping but she was with us along the way even though she was kind of mean.

After all I am everyone's emotional support pup.

"Okay, What up, or down in your case?" I chuckled nervously trying to lighten up the mood.

She raised her head and even though it was dark I saw it. My face fell when I saw a red mark on the right side of her cheek, it still looked sore as if it just happened, I could still see the red welt, it must have been a very hard blow to the face.

"She hit me" She trembled.

"Who hit you?" I furrowed my brows because I didn't necessarily hear of a fight in class.

"Madame Theressa" She put her head back down.

"She doesn't have the right to do that, I know your mom sent you here but at least she wouldn't do that to you" I said.

"Don't you see, She is my mother" She screeched.

Wait a damn minute, hold the phone. Madame Theressa is her Mother?!

Well I know just how to say the right fucking things don't I. In that moment of realization I don't know for sure but I bet my face was similar to the 'Aight Imma Head Out' SpongeBob meme but I still couldn't just leave her like that, Ughh fuck my good heart.

"Come on, you need to get cleaned up, is there a place we can go?" I slowly help her up.

She nodded me and lead me to a hallway with lights, hold up this place has working lights, wow they really got it good on this side of the place, we then entered a room I'm guessing it's hers. I went to her bathroom and came back with a slightly wet towel and I held it on her face.

"Thank you" She mustered up the courage to say.

"Uh, No problem, Umm, Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Well, I guess" She sighed.

"Its fine if you don't want to" I said.

"No, I want to, She rarely hits me but when she does is mostly my fault" She looked down.

"Listen, its never your fault for being abused" I said to her.

"Yeah right, She called me in her office, apparently she was mad that I didn't have control over the situation with Hayden, How could I have control it all happened so fast" She teared up.

"Umm, By the way I'm sorry for what I said to you and to assume that you were-, like us" I felt bad for that.

"Thanks, but you weren't that off" She shrugged. Aww shihhh, did she just come out to me or am I assuming again? Well this took a fast turn didn't it.

"This place is kind of my fault, I hate myself even more everyday because of it. I came out to her when I was eleven, I thought everything would be fine, she used to be so loving, but when I did she became this monster and I became her experimental Guinea Pig, She started doing things to me, you guys think you have it bad but I went through that and worst, So after she thought that I was cured she thought maybe she could do this to other children, and that's how this place became what it is, so I just decided to become her perfect little princess, never showing any feelings or affection" She looked down.

"Wow I didn't know you were carrying all this, Hey, its not your fault" I lifted her face with my finger.

Then I realized the position I was in with her looking into my eyes, in that moment she looked so broken, bruised internally. I couldn't help but feel a sting in my heart.

Her hot breath lingered over my lips as she glossy eyes flickered over them. She started leaning in

"I have to get some more water, for the towel" I coughed, stepping away from the girl

"Oh. Sure, sorry" She mumbled, I bit my lip nervously and nodded before heading over to the door

I'm not actually thinking of doing this am I? No I'm not, her hearts scattered and her mind is everywhere. Her mom's taking out her anger on her and she's visibly broken. There's something definitely going on with Ruby but there was no way I was going to kiss her and complicate anything

It'll just confuse her even more and make everything worse in here.

I washed my face, wet a towel and went back to room and I gave it to her.

"Umm, Its getting really late and I really don't want your m-, Madame Theressa to catch me over here, so can you take me to my room? I don't know how to find it from here" I said.

"Yeah you're probably right, just a minute"


Alexis's Pov


As I got to the room I saw that Cameron and Jade were there.

"And the Award for The Most Dramatic Asthma Attack goes to Jade" I chuckled.

"I've never felt more special, and I got to skip class" We laughed.

"Well I found some good sheets, we can sleep better in the night now" Cameron said as she pulled them out.

"Well I hit the Jackpot, I found Hayden, I couldn't get to her, but I know where she is and I got to talk to her" I smiled.

"I can finally breathe now, so she's in that 'SC' place?" Cameron questioned.

"Yes she is, She also told me the reason she thinks she's in there, She said its because Ruby is her fucking daughter" I said.

"Why didn't we see this before?" Jade face palm.

"By the way where's Abeke?" Cameron questioned.

My heart felt as if it fell from my chest in that moment, a darkness wanting to invade my soul as a heavy feeling crept in

That's when we realized that she wasn't here, we couldn't go back outside because we weren't allowed to be in the hallways at this time.

So we just sat and wait hoping that she was fine and she didn't get caught.

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