Chapter 52

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Hayden's Pov

After I kicked him in the balls, I turned around to see Alexis on the ground, slowly closing her eyes, her body looked lifeless, not moving an inch with Ruby standing over her, merely breathing, I wanted to go and hold her but my hands were tied, literally, They then pushed us to the ground and held us there, I felt like a criminal.

"Why are you children running around like animals?" Madame Theressa questioned one of the students.

"T-T-There's a fire" He answered.

"Fire? I have to deal with this now, Take them all back to 'SC', Make sure their hands are tied TIGHT, I want them to hurt" She said as she left.

One of the guards were about to lift Alexis when Ruby stopped him,

"No, Drag her, She did say she wanted them to hurt" She smirked as she pulled Abeke up from the ground, In a strange way Ruby reminds of Azula but like a Snitch Dollor Store Version because nobody can live up to Azula.

"That memory of me hitting you is even more satisfying now" I said whilst still facing the ground.

"Karma is a Bitch" She said whilst standing on my back. Karma? Karma Bitch? Karma is a serious woman I'm quite positive she'll deal with you.

"I have, no regrets" I strained to say, she later came off of me, Thank God, But not without pressing her heel in to my back first, Ughhh that's going to leave a mark.

We were all walking back to 'SC' except for Alexis, He was Fucking dragging her like nothing, like she was a piece of garbage, It hurt me so much that I couldn't do anything to help her, I'm so Fucking heated, These people are going pay for everything I will make sure of that.

We got to the room and they just shoved us inside not caring how or which way we fell in. Lex was on her face, I hope she's breathing fine.

"Guys, we need to turn Alexis on her back" I said looking at them.

"But how? Our hands are, you know" Abeke said.

"Lets scooch together, We'll use our shoulders to help each other up, We'll have to use our feet to turn her over" I answered, And that we did, I honestly don't know how all my Lifetime Movie ideas are working but I'm glad they are. We then sat down bracing the wall waiting for Alexis to come to.


I'm not sure how long its been because I sort of lose track of time when I'm down here but I think its been a couple of hours since we been here and we haven't lost our minds yet, Just hoping that Alexis wakes up, Please wake up, and as I thought that I saw her eye twitch.

"AHH FUCK" She came to.

"Hey, Hey, We're here" I said trying to calm her down.

"Is this the hole?" She questioned.

"No, We're back in 'SC'" I answered.

"The last thing I remembered was falling to the ground and blacking out" She squinted her eyes.

"Yeah, Ruby kind of knocked your lights out" Jade chuckled.

"How do you feel?" Abeke asked.

"Like I've been dragged all over the floor" She shrugged.

"Well you kind of were" I chuckled.

"Ughhh, I fucking hate Ruby man" She said.

"Well, At least you're not dead" Abeke smiled.

"That would've honestly been better" Alexis winced.


"Finally that's dealt with" I heard, I looked at the door to see the trash of a human being standing there, As they made a second attempt to take us away. I got outside and realized that we weren't in there for as long as I thought, maybe I am dramatic. Well here we go through the halls again, well I'm not going to miss this place.

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