Chapter 3

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- A m a r a  W i l l i a m s -

Breakfast was awkward to say the least. 

After I had woken from my little panic attack, Salvatore had not explained anything to me about the guns, and I had not asked either. I was not looking for a beating for being too curious for my own good. 

"Amara, come and sit down. I'll introduce you to the family." Salvestro said, and waved me over to the seat beside him and a person I did not know. 

"O-okay." I whispered, and scurried over. Sitting in between the two of them, I tried to make myself as small as possible, tucking my arms close to my body.

"So, as you know, the person sitting at the head of the table is Salvatore, your guardian." Salvestro said, and he gave me a nod as I smiled nervously.

"The person you are sitting beside right now is Sandeo, and he is currently 18. He failed his senior year of high school so he is now going to have to redo it." Salvestro said, pointing to the person beside me. 

With a body that shouldn't be his with the amount of food he is eating, Sandeo had black hair and the steel blue eyes of the rest of the family. From past mirror glances, I know that mine are brown. I definitely fit in with this family. Note the sarcasm. 

Furthermore, Sandeo had a tattoo on his right bicep, showcasing a beautiful bleeding rose. With a straight nose, thin lips, and high cheekbones, he was the exact replica of Salvatore if it weren't for the fact that he was physically smaller and shorter than him. Sandeo also had an aura of fun around him, nothing like Salvatore's aura of authority.

"The twins over there are Salvino and Santino. They are both 15 and are going into their junior year of high school. They are turning 16 soon." Salvestro finished, pointing to the twins who both just had annoyed looks on their faces.

Aren't twins supposed to be opposites of each other? Why the hell do they look so similar then? Their brown hair, steel blue eyes, their cheekbones, even their scowl was matching with each other! Are you kidding me? Telling them apart will be a nightmare. 

Seeing my expression, one of the twins snorted. 

"Trust me. You won't ever be able to tell us apart, sorella." one of them smirked, nicknaming me something in Italian. Are they Italian? They look Italian.

"Mhm," the other twin agreed. "Not even our own brothers can tell us apart. You won't be able to" and I nodded my agreement. 

I can't see any difference between the two of them, and I don't think they'll like it very much if I do learn how to tell them apart. 

"Okay." I whispered quietly. 

"If you wanted to know, Salvatore's 24, and I am 21." Salvestro added. 

When I stayed quiet, there was an awkward silence that surrounded us. Were they always this weird around each other? Or is it because of my presence that they are acting like this?

"I-I have five b-brothers?" I asked instead, trying to defuse the awkwardness. 

"Yep." Sandeo said, popping the 'p'.

"Oh." I muttered, and the silence resumed as the twins started eating. 

I had no idea why there were so many forks, spoons, and knives on the table. Wasn't one enough? Why were there so many? Were they all for different things? Why do I look so different from them? Why do I have curly hair then?

Seeing the questions swirling in my mind, Salvestro spoke up.

"I'm sure you have some questions." he said, clearing his throat. "I'll try to answer them the best that I can." he said, and I nodded my head. 

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