Chapter 31

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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

The sound of beeping had my eyes opening. At some point during me being stuck in my brain, I had managed to black out.

Now that I was opening my eyes, I realized that I was in a hospital, fear overtakings me.

My breath came in short pants, my chest heaving up and down as I tried to get enough air into my lungs. The beeping also grew faster, which only had me even more alarmed as I looked down at my arms, only to wish that I hadn't.

There were multiple needles stuck in my arm, and my eyes widened in horror as I yanked it out of my arm and fumbled out of the bed. My weak legs barely managed to hold up my weight as I staggered away.

Where am I?

What happened?

Where are my brothers?

'Your brothers?' the voice laughed incredulously, just as the door slammed open to reveal an agitated man.

"Oh my," he whispered, and started walking closer to me.

Not knowing him, I backed away just as I tripped and fell on my butt. Knowing that I don't have time to get back up on my shaky legs, I continued to scramble backwards.

"D-don't!" I yelled, and wrapped my arms around my head, rocking myself back and forth as the person stopped walking towards me.

Sighing, I heard him get out his phone, dialling in a number as he spoke in a rush of Italian.

"Sì." I heard him say as I stayed silent, peeking under my arms to make sure that the man wasn't getting any closer.

"Alright. Got it, Boss." the man nodded his head at whatever the person was saying before he ended the call.

"Yes, got it. Alright. 'Kay, bye."

Putting the phone back into his white doctor coat, the man knelt down to my height, still a safe distance from me as he tried to make eye contact with me.

"Sweetie," he started, and for some reason, his voice felt soothing, like a warm breeze across the surface of my mind.

'He's dangerous.' the voice snarled, and that had my hackles rising as I shrank away from him.

"Sweetie, please stop." the man pleaded, and sat cross legged away from me, maintaining a ten meter distance between me and him. That isn't far enough.

"S-stay away!" I shrieked, and thrashed my arm around violently, making sure that he didn't get any closer.

"Yes, I'll stay away." the person nodded, and crawled back a step as I watched him wearily beneath my wet lashes.

"Sweetie, I am your doctor." the man said gently as he raised his palms up where I could see them. "You're safe. You're aren't there anymore."

"Y-you don't know." I mumbled, and brought my knees close to my chest as I wrapped my arms around them as I breathed in short breaths of air through my mouth. I'm pretty sure that I was hyperventilating at this point.

"I know, Sweetie, and I need you to calm down. You are still in the process of getting better, which means that you still need the IV and the monitors."

Still, I refused to get close to the man I didn't know for the life of me, and stayed in my curled ball, my teeth chattering from the cold. It was then that I noticed that I wasn't wearing anything but a pair of white underwear and white robes

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