Chapter 23: United Once More

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who is reading this right now.

Alina's POV

Tension begins to rise as the meeting goes on. They just can't seem to agree on anything and Xavier does his best to mediate but he isn't faring very well. Goddess I'm so close to ripping my hair out in frustration. Through all of this I sit quietly trying to keep calm so that I don't lose control over my emotions and set them ablaze, observing every detail, understanding what Xavier had meant when he said they were hard to handle.

An argument arises yet again, shouting over Xavier and Colton. It pulls at my last nerve. I snap without holding back on letting them know exactly what I think of them. "Quiet, all of you. Just shut the hell up! Can any of you even hear your own thoughts over all this unnecessary noise?" I bellow out while leaping from my chair, slamming my hands on the table, crushing it under my weight and sending splinters flying in every direction. The ground beneath us begins to rumble, reciprocating my emotions. "How do you expect to win a war when you can't even agree on a single detail. At this rate we might as well be waving a white flag and beg for our lives because none of you seem to be taking this seriously. Do you want to die? Do you want your people to die in suffering just because their leaders can't seem to get their heads out of their asses long enough to work together without thinking of themselves and what they would stand to gain?"

The room falls silent as each of them return to their seats at my words, having the decency to look ashamed at their behaviour. Xavier looks at me with slight amusement and raised eyebrows, daring me to take charge silently, just as he wanted me to.

I take in a deep and let it out slowly as I calm myself. "Now that we're all settled. Do any of you have any idea how to solve the antidote problem? Speak truthfully." I dare them to do otherwise as I stare them down, feeling Rhia begin to simmer under the surface, my eyes glowing liquid gold.

The fae queen is the first to break the silence. "I do know of a herbology book that speaks of a certain root that when ground and mixed with the lillyleaf nectar, forms an antidote that counteracts any venom. While we may have the recipe for it, we haven't had the practice of making, the last time being over centuries ago. I may need some time to figure it out. Lillyleaf is easy enough to come by but the Izuldere tree takes root to one place, and only one."

"That's a start. Where does this supposed root grow?" At my next question she avoids the eyes of the vampire lord who's also awaiting the answer like the rest of us.

"Windsor forest." Her answer sets off Dimitri like a firecracker. "You knew! You knew all this time that there was a cure, right on my lands no less, yet you kept this from me all these years. I could have saved my beloved. How could you?" He rages on with a look of deep-seeded betrayal.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Dimitri. We had already begun our raging feud over power at the time and not thinking of the consequences, I didn't want to give you the advantage over the Vipers all those years ago. By the time I had a change of heart it was already too late, Elianna had passed on." Willow rushed to explain herself, feeling guilt at her once upon a time, closest friend's loss.

"We could have saved the lives of so many of our people. If only we had gotten past our growing hate for each other." Gwendolow says, staring hard at the table in front of her in regret.

"We grew greedy for power that was not ours to have, taking it by force made us only want more. We had caused our own downfall. It is all of our doing, and now we must set it right. Together." Ezekiel finally speaks the words they all knew were true but never said, not wanting to shoulder their share of the blame.

"Enough is enough. Now we do what must be done. It's been long awaited. We must put aside our differences and forget about the past. We must move forward together." Astraldow nods at Ezekiel with finality and sounds of agreement ring out around the room.


"First thing's first. We need to have the fae start working on the antidote as soon as possible." Xavier sets course to the plan. "How soon can we get our hands on the Izuldere roots?"

"My troops will have them brought here. Willow and her people shall have them within the next two days." Dimitri supplies.. "We'll start gathering the rest of the herbs right away and have it ready for the root." Willow assures.

"What are we to do with those who cannot fight? The elderly and the pups? This whole place will be turning into a war zone soon enough. We need to have extra defenses in place." Jason puts to the table.

"I think we can help with that. There's no need to move them. We can erect a protection barrier around the pack house as a last defensive resort for those who will not be fighting. As long as they remain inside, they should be fine. The only problem is, is that it won't hold for long. A few hours at most. The magic will begin to wear over time." Ezekiel suggests and gestures to Gwendalow, offering both of their magic. Gwendalow agrees.

"The elves shall supply all the weapons. Carved from elvish Ethirial, you will find that they are second to none and will serve you well." Astraldow offers his weapons made of precious elvish metal.

We disperse, readying ourselves for battle.

Over the next few days everyone works overtime to get everything done. Colton had us training during every spare moment. Warriors of all kinds working together to man the boundaries day and night. The witches and warlocks have worked on the spells to create the protective barrier. Dimitri made good on his word and had truckloads of Izuldere root transported from his lands to Willow and her fae who had begun preparing the antidote and bottling them into vials. Astraldow had had his armory brought back and had us wielding the finest weapons of all.

As Xavier and I were in the middle of planning battle strategies in the conference room with Colton, Astraldow and Dimitri, Alex bursts into the room, out of breath. "There's been an attack. South border. Hurry." Just as fast as he came, he disappeared through the open door.

Within seconds Xavier and I are out of the door. Shifting on the outskirts of the forest we sprint to the south border with Colton, Dimitri and Astraldow right on our heels. We find a bloodbath awaiting us. The scouts on patrol had been torn apart, limb from limb. Everyone had been mauled to death with not a single survivor.

The message was received loud and clear. It has begun. 

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