Chapter 9 | Panic! At the cafeteria (1/2)

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Hi guys! So I've been thinking, I know I said if you help me get to 200 views then I'll do a double update but I'm thinking, why not give you a harder challenge. So, I've changed it, if you guys can help me get to 200+ views AND 50+ votes I will do a double update.

Also! I'm sooooo close to 1500 views on webnovel which is amazing so if you know anyone on there please recommend my book. Same goes for here! I hope you win the challenge!

I saw a few comments and got a few messages from people and by popular demand, I will be putting a teenager post at the end of the chapters. 

Now on with the chapter!

Chapter 9 | Panic! At the cafeteria (1/2)


My least favourite day of the week.

Whose idea was it for students to only have a two day weekend? If anything, we need a five day weekend and two school days.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the washroom for my normal morning routine. Afterwards, I went to the diner and ordered myself some coffee because Lord knows my brain can't function properly without a kick, which in my case is caffeine.


I walked into my algebra class and sat down. "Izzy!!" "Izzy!!" Dylan mocked which caused Ethan to send a glare his way. Tess and Ali then walked in and soon we emerged into chatter.

"Okay class, pop quiz today!" Mr. What's his face said when he walked in.

A series of groans erupted through the class as everyone began to take their binders off their desks.

He handed the papers out and when I saw the first question the first thought that came to my head was when the hell did we learn this? Then, is this English? Which is what I think every time I see a math equation. I honestly hate the guy who decided to add imaginary numbers in math. I mean it's not like my boss is gonna fire me if I can't find the number of x like honestly!

I don't think any amount of caffeine will ever fully prepare me for this horrible thing called math.


I entered my English class.

As usual Mr. I-wear-too-much-cologne-and-have-an-over-the-top-ego arrived late. "Okay class, today, you and your partners will be working on your projects since I have a lot of marking to do. You are permitted to leave the class if you work and not just go on your phones and use Vine, MySpace, Facebook, Born or whatever you kids use these days."

What the heck is born?

I turned to Tyler and saw that he was already walking towards the door. "Hurry up we only have so much time on this you know." He said before walking again.

I still hate him and that will never change.

We were working peacefully in the hallway (and by peacefully I mean subtly glaring and trying not to have another swear-off) when I heard the familiar sound of two high high-heels.

The devil arrives! Yippee-ki-yay

"Hi Tyler, what're you doing." She bats her eyelashes and uses her incredibly long and incredibly pink-

Holy those are pink!! Damn, they look like Pepto Bismol.

-nails to twirl her hair. I simply roll my eyes. He looks up and gives her a blank look. "Well it's class time, so I'm working." He mutters dryly and I see the slight tinge of red that forms on her cheeks.

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