Chapter 14 | Lilah

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Chapter 14 | Lilah

What a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the birds are singing...said no one ever.

Shut up you stupid alarm!


*Five minutes later*

And the ringing continues!

I just want to sleep! That's all I want!

Unfortunately, I don't get the luxury, it's Saturday.

I got up and got ready for the day ahead of me. First things first let's dye this hair back to black.

An hour and a half later, my once blonde hair was now back to black, just as it should be. This was me now, not the little girl who lost people in her life a few years back. This is me now. I took a deep breath in and out.

I then proceeded to go downstairs, it was Saturday meaning I could eat today. My father gave me a schedule on when I could eat since he didn't work and he wanted to make sure there was enough money for his alcohol.

Yea...I know

My eating days were Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays although I ate at school with the money I put aside which he was yet to find out and occasionally I'd sneak a fruit or something just to make sure I stayed alive long enough to leave his sorry ass.

I closed the fridge and jumped back, "what the hell do you think you're doing?!" He smacked the yogurt out of my hand "I-I-It-s S-Saturday, It's m-my e-eating day" I said nervously.

He laughed without humour in it "you think you get to eat now? I know you've been buying food."

Forget what I said

I didn't know what to say so I simply looked down and mumbled an "oh"

"If you ever, ever buy food again outside without my permission, I'll make sure you wish you were never born and since you're an ungrateful girl, you only get to eat Tuesdays and Saturdays."

I already wish I was never born

"Okay," I mumble and wait for the door to bang before falling to my knees slightly shaking.


The bell above the door chimed signalling the entry of a customer. I looked up and instantly smiled "hey," I said and he leaned over the counter and gave me a kiss causing a few of his friends to say, very childishly might I add, "ouuuuuuuuu" then hit him on the back. I roll my eyes, the smile never leaving my lips.

"Hi, oh you dyed your hair back, you know you look like a natural blonde right?" "Do I? I hadn't noticed." 


Someone clears their throat and we all turn to see Ethan, Dylan, Ali, Tess...and Tyler and for some reason, I turn red when I see him almost as if I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing. He glares at Daniel for a fraction of a second before going back to his I can't be bothered face but it's so subtle, luckily for me, I caught it.

"Um, you go sit I'll be right with you," I say to Daniel who nods, he and Tyler exchange the briefest of looks before he walks off still in his football gear.

"So-" I clear my throat as I face my friends "So, what's up guys?" "Last I checked he was your friend," Tyler said in a bored nonchalant tone but his eyes held an emotion I couldn't place. Anger? Frustration? Sadness?

"Things changed I guess." He simply nods and walks off, the boys following suit. "You're sleeping over tonight you are gonna spill all the juicy details," Ali says "I don't know if I ca-" "sorry I seem to have given you the impression that you had a choice." She replies and I roll my eyes and mutter "fine" before walking off.

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