Tour guides are Creepy

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Please read notes at end

"And this is the house of the Creative God Ink!" the tour guide said, with a smile so wide they had to be on some type of drugs.

Error could not believe Dream and Error had a place anyone could stop by, but here he was mistaken.

"That's more like a mansion!" Nightmare protested.

"Lord Ink adds to it yearly!" The tour guide said starry eyed.

Clearly a fan.

"Why did we agree to a tour of Inks favourite pad?" Cross whispered to them.

"Because Blue tried to murder you with Tacos after you kept stealing them," error responded.

Nightmare snorted, Blues face seeing the child version of the dark sans had been hilarious. Especially when eh spotted Cross.

Or as Blue called him, the Taco stealing Heathen.

"Right...' Cross said embarrassed.

"We'll have a half hour break at this plaza, then continue on the tour," the tour guide said giggling.

"What now?" Nightmare asked curious, as they bought some food from a fast food stop.

"Woof," a voice said.

Nightmare blinked, to see a big black dog?

It couldn't be a wolf right, this was in the middle of a city.

"Woof," the dog said.

"Did the dog just say woof?" Nightmare asked the others.

"Your imagining things boss," Cross said licking sauce off his fingers.

"Whine..." the dog.. wolf said.

Yes, he was sure the dog actually said whine.

It stared at his Chicken fries from burger king, he stared back.

"Yeah.. no.. not dealing with this now," Nightmare said shoving the chicken fries over, the dog-wolf smirked.

"Woof woof," the dog.. er... wolf did grabbing the fries container and trotting off.

Nearby a hedgehog made of fire stole McDonalds burgers.

"Boss?" Cross asked.

"You know what, lest screw with Ink and Dream. We are dressed as the meme team," Nightmare said, the three smirked.

That mean Pranks.

Suggestions for Pranks OPPPPEN!

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