Chapter 6: Call me Tom

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"These are screws. We need nails."

An unwelcome knock disturbs Jasper's slumber on this Sunday morning. The bed, though comfortable, was ridiculously noisy, squeaking with every slight move, bringing Jasper round, every time he changed position. "Jasper sweetie, it's time to wake up. I've made some porridge!" Jasper prizes open one eye at the sound of Molly's voice. The sheer curtains let in the morning light and hurt his eyes.

The footsteps by the door pad away and Jasper rolls onto his back, stretching his arms over his head and flexing his toes. He pulls over his phone to check the time. Creasing his face in annoyance to read 5:36 on the lit screen. He mumbles a "fucks sake." Under his breath as he gets out of bed and heads for the tiny sink in the corner. He pulls his dick out from his checkered pj pants and proceeds to use the sink as a urinal, looking down at his semi hard appendage as the liquid makes its way down the plug hole. He looks at his reflection in the circular mirror, running fingers through his messy hair as he yawns. Jasper tucks his dick back in his pants and turns on the tap, letting the water wash away the remains of the sink's use of being a makeshift toilet. He grabs his toothbrush and paste, running the bristles round his mouth a few times before splashing the cold water on his face in a feeble attempt to try and wake himself up.

He adornes a generous helping of deodorant and pulls on fresh underwear, grey sweatshorts and a black tee, before leaving the bedroom and heading downstairs.

Jasper can hear Molly talking and braces himself for whatever his uncle is most definitely going to throw at him, but as he enters the kitchen, he is more than surprised to see not his uncle at all, but another familiar face.

Jasper halts his movements as he stands just shy of the doorway, watching the man he had seen yesterday by the river. The man who had been fishing. The man who Jasper had unashamedly jerked off to in the middle of the woods.

The man, who was tucking into a bowl of steaming porridge, looks over to Jasper, with Molly putting down a teapot on the wooden table as she also notices his presence. "Morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?"

Jasper, who hadn't realised he had been staring at the man, until Molly had started speaking, draws his attention to her gaze. "Y..yes. thankyou Molly." Jasper quickly sits down at the far end of the table, staring at the table's surface.

Molly places her hands on her hips, looking at the distance Jasper has created. "Why are you all the way over there? Come on, come meet my brother." Molly now turns her back to Jasper to grab a bowl from the side and fills it with creamy porridge. She turns back around to place the bowl right opposite the man.

Jasper reluctantly shuffles along the bench to where his bowl of porridge rested, making the decision to keep his eyes down at the steamy breakfast and to not look up at the man whose presence felt a little intimidating.

The man looks at the nervous youth sitting opposite him. He didn't know that much about him. Only that he was his sister's partner's nephew, a year off from graduating and he was apparently troubled. He drops his spoon into his bowl and outstretches a hand. "Hey Jasper. I'm Thomas. You can call me Tom."

Jasper sees the hand enter his peripheral vision and apprehensively raises his own hand to meet his. Jasper makes sure to maintain eye contact with the connected hands, not daring to look any higher up the arm to the owner. "Hi Tom." Jasper utters quietly before the hands separate and Jasper can hear Thomas once again pick up his spoon and continues to enjoy his porridge.

Jasper picks up his own spoon from the table and begins to eat up. A moment later, Molly is joining them, sitting next to her brother. It's now that Jasper notices that his uncle isn't here. "Where's uncle?" He enquires.

Molly grabs a pot of strawberry jam from the centre of the table and begins to spoon some on her own porridge as she answers. "Your uncle has gone to see a man about a cow." She says with a smile. Jasper nods, returning his gaze back to his porridge.

Thomas is the first to finish his breakfast, clanging his spoon into the bowl and pushing it slightly away from him. This causes Jasper to look up at the sudden noise. Thomas is stretching his arms over his head trying to stifle a yawn. He then turns his head to his sister. "What do you have for us today Mol?"

Molly clears her throat before turning slightly towards him. "Ok, so I need you and Jasper to fix the damaged fence over by the sheep pen, then you'll need to collect the eggs, then I need you to muck out the pigs. That should take you to lunch." She says happily before returning to her jammy porridge.

Thomas lets out a dry laugh, bringing his arms back down to rest on the table. "Jesus, I wish I hadn't asked!" This earns a snort from Jasper and then a moments eye contact between the pair, with Thomas smiling at how he had amused the younger.

Jasper feels his cheeks overheat at the way Thomas is looking at him and quickly diverts his attention again down to his breakfast. "Hey Jasper. Eat up before the sun gets too hot." Thomas gets up from his seat and Jasper glances up to notice that he is wearing the same cargo shorts which he had on the previous evening. He wondered whether Thomas had bothered to wear any underwear this time around. Jasper doubles his efforts to get his breakfast eaten, wanting to follow Thomas to wherever he was heading.

"Thanks for breakfast Molly." Jasper nods as he steps back and over the wooden bench, hurrying his steps to where Thomas was heading out of the side door.

They are soon making their way to an out building, Thomas taking the lead, as he pulls a ring of keys from the back of his cargo shorts, selecting an old style oversized key and pushing it into the wooden key hole. A clanging noise can be heard as the lock is turned and the door pushed inwards. Thomas pulls the nearby rope and a yellowing bulb over their heads lights up the space. Thomas proceeds to unhook a saw, hammer and a small roll of barbed wire from the countertop at the side. He glances over his left shoulder to see Jasper just stood by the open door watching. "Can you grab the nails?"

Jasper steps out of his mini trance and begins to look on the shelves for some nails. He grabs a box of what he thinks is correct and instinctively holds them out for Thomas to check. 'Are these right?"

Thomas turns around, putting the already selected tools in a handy pull along bucket. He looks into the small plastic box which Jasper is showing and lets out a laugh. "These are screws! We need nails."

Jasper looks again in the small box, not really getting the difference between the two. Thomas takes the box from Jasper's hand and places it back on the shelf. He then pulls another box a little further along, pulling what is an actual nail from the container. "This is a nail. You bang a nail and screw a screw."

Jasper, who was not keen on having his lack of tool knowledge pointed out to him, just shrugs in disinterest. "Whatever."

Thomas, deciding to let the youngster's attitude pass, at least on this occasion, places the nail back into the box and adds it to the bucket with the rest of the things. "C'mon city boy." He pushes slightly past Jasper as he makes his way out of the tool shed, pulling the bucket behind him, with Jasper trudging behind.

Jasper now feels a confliction of feelings within him. He felt like Thomas was coming across as a bit of a know it all jerk and Jasper was pissed he'd let the guy invade his thoughts in such a lustful way.

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