Chapter 18: Just take me home!

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"I didn't want anyone's hand. I wanted your hand!"

Jasper finds his way back to the group, the general mood around the fire a little less excitable, with everyone sitting relaxed around the slowly dying embers. Jasper looks at Thomas who has his head resting on Zeke's shoulder, with Zeke kissing the top of his head. He didn't feel any better about himself or about Thomas after what just happened. If anything, he felt even more conflicted.

"All good now?" Mac says, spotting Jasper standing by a nearby tree. This caused everyone to look around, apart from Robin and Jerry who were still absent.

Jasper looks at Thomas. "I want to go home. Tom, can you take me home?" Jasper hated asking, but knew that the older knew the way and Jasper would have been sure to get lost if he ventured into the dark woods alone.

"Aah in a minute." Thomas whines as he nestles even further into Zeke's neck.

At this point, Jasper had had enough of being played with. He walks forcibly towards Thomas and Zeke, leaning over Thomas and taking a hold of his sweater, pulling him up in the process. "Fucking take me home or I swear to God I'll.. "

"You'll what?" Thomas replies. Again letting his mischievous self take control, probably with the help of the drink.

Jasper can feel his fist ball up. He is about to lay yet another blow to Thomas' face.

"Take him home Tom!" Mac shouts, halting Jasper in his tracks. "You'll have no face left."

"Ok ok!" Thomas concedes. Jasper finally releases him from his grip.

Thomas lazily waves goodbye to his friends before heading to his pushbike, not even looking to see if Jasper is following.

The ride back to the house was longer than expected. Mainly due to Thomas feeling drunk and tired, but still amazingly able to navigate his way back.

Jasper dismounts the bike, looking at Thomas once again. Thomas looks at Jasper with serious eyes before uttering the words. "You owe me."

Jasper furrows his brow. "I owe you? What do you mean?"

"You used me tonight." Thomas says a little matter of factly.

Jasper takes a step closer, using everything in his power to not raise his voice. "I used you? You used me."

"I fucking never used you!" Thomas disagrees, not so bothered about keeping quiet. "You just wanted someone's hand. You didn't care who it was."

Jasper steps closer again to the older. "No Tom. You're wrong. I didn't want anyone's hand. I wanted your hand." Jasper pauses before continuing. "Besides, aren't I just an amusement to you, a dare? You treat me like shit, you play with my emotions."

"It was just a bit of fun! Jeez! And I've already said sorry." Thomas huffs, kicking the ground.

"So why do you care so much about what we just did? Was that not as you say 'a bit of fun?' Why was that so different?" Jasper finger quotes the last sentence. It makes Thomas stop and at least think. Why was he so hung up about getting Jasper off? It wasn't the first time he'd offered out his services. He didn't usually feel so used afterwards.

Thomas blows a heavy breath. "You're tired, I'm tired. Just go to bed Jasper."

Jasper watches a little speechless as Thomas gets onto the bike seat, turns his bike around and pedals away. He watches until he sees the bike no more and then just stands in silence, still trying to get his head around the conversation they'd just had.

So...Thomas felt used by him. Jasper hadn't seen it that way. The whole thing had become so messed up, it made Jasper's head ache. He starts to climb the tree to his room. He should be able to get a few hours sleep before morning.

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