Chapter 8

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where the fight begins

For when a child lies to their parent about eating the last cookie from the jar

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For when a child lies to their parent about eating the last cookie from the jar. Or when a teenager lies to the teacher about their homework. Or maybe even when a partner lies to their significant other about staying loyal. Lies surround us and compel us and when someone makes a lie it doesn't just go away. It sinks through to your soul trapping you in your dungeon of guilt.

"ANGELINA!" as soon as I walked into my humble home I heard Johns booming voice. "yes?" I called back as I hung my backpack on the coat hanger. "why would you slap your cousins? Sophie and Rebecca came home crying." I rolled my eyes and pinched my nose. "Those twats are liars and are pathetic I hardly even touched them. I just moved their filthy paws off my stuff after they were giving me an annoying interrogation." John was about to interject to give me his brotherly parental lecture. "Look John I realise they are my cousins and that they are my family. But if they are my family then they are going to have to respect me and I will respect them in return. So, I am sorry if this upsets your but I will not be feeling sorry over their pathetic coward asses." I cut my ramble off as John looked at me unimpressed and in deep in thought.

"fine, I will sort this mess out. So, you just go upstairs and finish your homework." I nodded and gave him a tight hug. "where is mamma?" he sighed once again and gave me a slight squeeze. "Mamma is currently at a conservatorium doing a lecture and papa is on his way home." I nodded and gave him one final kiss on his cheek before disappearing in my room.

Like nearly every night my brothers hid away in the basement doing work. I sometimes wish we could just be a normal family. I wish we could have family game nights, movie nights and just spend more time together. But in our family, everyone is always working. I should be thankful because that is a reason why my family have never found out I am sparrow. But it is hard to be thankful when sometimes your family feel like strangers. I locked my door and moved all of my pillows under the blankets to make a body shape. I had all of my equipment and my earpiece in. I was wearing some black pants and a black hoodie. I had to be completely invisible tonight. I have to make sure at all costs that I don't bump into my father.

I dodged all of the guards and climbed successfully up the seven-foot-tall fence. "GET IN BITCH WE'RE GOING SHOPPING." I rolled my eyes and threw my bag at him what practically weighed a ton. "ouch mother fuc-." He whined as he threw the bag at me. "what made you steal this barbaric car." I exclaimed looking at him with disgust. "A good thief never reveals his secrets." I rolled my eyes and buckled my seat belt. "well whichever barbie you stole this from be sure to return the car to her dream house." The car was hot pink and probably the most noticeable car on the planet. "you couldn't have got a more normal car a car what can blend in easily." I asked nervously as we drove into the city. "no, my princess I personally think pink is your colour. It makes you look happy other than your black dull wardrobe" I slapped him then went on to get the file to read over again.

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