Chapter 9

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The voice

Rage consumed me complete utter rage

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Rage consumed me complete utter rage. Anger like any many weaknesses usually makes people weak. But not me, instead It only makes me powerful. From the broken boy, I was then to the man who I have become. When I was broken I was overlooked and deprived and i was weak. But now I a man who has sworn to himself to never love, to never show weakness, to never feel warmth again. Feelings are just weaknesses and the only things I let myself feel is numbness and anguish.

"who pissed on your parade." I ignored Simon and focussed on the punching bag. Blood dark beautiful blood was all I saw. As my eyes were consumed by red. I cannot wait to rip them limb by limb as I hear their beautiful screams. Some call me a sadist, some call me heartless, a vulgar monster. The truth is I am all of those things, I desire lots of things like normal people but the thing what I desire the most is blood. "fuck off Simon." I grunted not wanting to hear the little swine this morning.

"so, let me get this right

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"so, let me get this right. You got shot last night and just had your stitches and yet here you are." He exaggerated looking at me utter disbelief. I shrugged him off and used a cool towel to wipe over my head. "If Cole caught you he would tie you to the bed like he did last time." A low growl erupted in my chest as I abruptly turned to him. "do you want me to fucking kill you." I stalked closer to him letting my tall frame tower over him.

"bloody hell who put you on your princess period." He grimaces as he backed away. I caught him by his shirt and pulled him closer me. He tried to hide his fear with his cockiness but failed pathetically as I raised my fist to his face. "want to say that again." I spat my words with venom. "no, I don't because I value my life and pretty face." Scowling I pushed him away and took a large sip from my bottle of water...

"But I am curious to what happened with the 'Sparrow' heck when I told Cole he couldn't believe it himself." I cut his little ramble off as I hit the wall just above of his head with full force. "Jesus did you want me to have a bloody heart attack." He ignored my growls and took them as an invitation to invade my fridge. "oh my god how do you not have food in this bloody penthouse." I rolled my eyes not feeling bothered to offer him anything. "well I don't exactly eat here nor do I have guests. But if you want food gets out and get a job so you can afford your own food." He thought for a moment and much to my dismay he jumped on my couch. "No thanks, I will stick to using your unused money." I cracked my knuckles and bent down to get my weights. He was lucky I had grown accustomed to him over the years otherwise he would be as good as dead. I don't let anyone in my apartment, not even the girls I sleep with. I like to be alone which means I like to live alone in my own space.

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